
No friend, though staunch his friendship be

ما من صديق وإن تمت صداقته

1. No friend, though staunch his friendship be
Successfully serves our needs as one

١. ما مِن صَديقٍ وَإِن تَمَّت صَداقَتُهُ
يَوماً بِأَنجَحَ في الحاجاتِ مِن طَبَقِ

2. Who wraps his face in a kerchief, free
To brave the porter's wrath and run;

٢. إِذا تَعَمَّمَ بِالمِنديلِ مُنطلِقاً
لَم يَخشَ نَبوَةَ بَوّابٍ وَلا غَلَقِ

3. For men were made, since first they drew breath,
To serve self-interest or fear of death.

٣. لا يَكذِبَنَّ فَإِنَّ الناسَ مُذ خُلقوا
لِرَغبَةٍ يُكرِمونَ الناسَ أَو فَرَقِ