
The one who saw it watered the secret

سقى سر من رأى وسكانها

1. The one who saw it watered the secret
And a monastery for its lilies of the monk

١. سَقى سُرَّ مَن رأَى وَسُكّانَها
وَدَيراً لِسَوسَنِها الراهِبِ

2. A cloud poured down from its roaring thunder
And its incessant lightning

٢. سَحابٌ تَدَفَّقَ عَن رَعدِهِ ال
صَفوقِ وَبارِقِه الواصِبِ

3. So I spent the night in his monastery
With the full moon over a branch, my companion

٣. فَقَد بِتُّ في دَيرِهِ لَيلَةً
وَبَدرٌ عَلى غُصنٍ صاحِبي

4. A gazelle quenched me till dawn
Golden yellow like molten gold

٤. غَزالٌ سَقانيَ حَتّى الصَبا
حِ صَفراءَ كَالذَهَبِ الذائِبِ

5. On the roses the redness of the cheeks
And in the branches the greenness of the drinker

٥. عَلى الوَردِ مِن حُمرَةِ الوَجنَتَي
نِ وَفي الآسِ مِن خُضرَةِ الشارِبِ

6. It quenched me with wine while awake
And I slept and it slept by my side

٦. سَقاني المُدامَةَ مُستَيقِظاً
وَنِمتُ وَنامَ إِلى جانِبي

7. So it was a respite, woe to you from its paradise
That my writer has outlined

٧. فَكانَت هَناةٌ لَكَ الوَيلُ مِن
جَناها الَّذي خَطَّهُ كاتِبي

8. O Lord, repent and pardon a sinful
Confessor admitting his lapse, penitent

٨. فَيا رَبِّ تُب وَاِعفُ عَن مُذنِبٍ
مُقِرٍّ بِزَلَّتِهِ تائِبِ