
When we compose poetry about you, its meanings come easily to us

إذا نحن حكنا الشعر فيك تسهلت

1. When we compose poetry about you, its meanings come easily to us
And its difficulties become tractable.

١. إِذا نَحنُ حُكنا الشِعرَ فيكَ تَسَهَّلَت
عَلَينا مَعانيهِ وَدانَ صِعابُها

2. Its verses fall into place only because of you,
And its garb spreads out only over you.

٢. فَما اِنتَظَمَت إِلّا عَلَيكَ عُقودُها
وَلا اِنتَشَرَت إِلّا عَلَيكَ ثِيابُها