
God has granted security from fear and want

قد أمن الله من خوف ومن عدم

1. God has granted security from fear and want
To him who had the vicissitudes of time as a neighbor

١. قَد أَمَّنَ اللَهُ مِن خَوفٍ وِمِن عَدَمٍ
مَن كانَ مَعنٌ لَهُ جاراً مِنَ الزَمَنِ

2. Ma'n the son of Zaida, faithful to his word
And the buyer of glory at a dear price

٢. مَعنُ بنُ زائِدَةَ الموفي بِذِمَّتِهِ
وَالمُشتَري المَجدَ بِالغالي مِنَ الثَمَنِ

3. Sees the gifts whose praises endure
As gain when the giver counts them as loss

٣. يَرى العَطايا الَّتي تَبقى مَحامِدُها
غُنماً إِذا عَدَّها المُعطي مِنَ الغَبَنِ

4. He built for the Shiban an imperishable glory
Until the atoms of the pillars pass away from the bosom of time

٤. بَني لِشَيبانَ مَجداً لازَوالَ لَهُ
حَتّى تَزولُ ذُرى الأَركانِ مِن حَضَنِ