1. As though the sand-colored gazelles that crossed
Our path on the day we departed were
١. كَأَنَّ الَّتي يَومَ الرَحيل تَعَرَّضَت
لَنا مِن ظِباءِ الرَملِ أَدماءُ مُعزِلُ
2. Maidens with tearful eyes, warding off
A boy left behind by his departing friends.
٢. تَصُدُّ لِمَكحولِ المَدامِعِ لابنٍ
إِذا خَلَّفَتهُ خَلفَها الطَرفَ يُعمِلُ
3. The clan of Matar on the day we met were
Lion cubs in their lair, defending their home.
٣. بَنو مَطَرٍ يَومَ اللِقاءِ كَأَنَّهُم
أُسودُ لَها في غيلِ خَفّانَ أَشبُلُ
4. They forbid even a neighbor, as though
Between the two meadows they had built their house.
٤. هُمُ يَمنَعونَ الجارَ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
لِجارِهِمُ بَينَ السِماكَينِ مَنزِلُ
5. The Bahila in Islam were leaders though
Not as they were in the Ignorance foremost.
٥. بَهاليلُ في الإِسلامِ سادوا وَلَم يَكُن
كَأَوَّلِهِم في الجاهِلِيَّةِ أَوَّلُ
6. When they speak they hit the mark; when called they
Respond; when they give they bring joy and give plenty.
٦. هُمُ القَومُ إِن قالوا أًصابوا وإِن دُعوا
أَجابوا وَإِن أَعطوا أَطابوا وَأَجزَلوا
7. The doers cannot match their deeds
Though they did their best in times of trial.
٧. وَما يَستَطيعُ الفاعِلونَ فِعالَهُم
وَإِن أَحسَنوا في النائِباتِ وَأَجمَلوا
8. Three men with the glory of mountains
Whose dreams surpassed all on the scales.
٨. ثَلاثٌ بِأَمثالِ الجِبالِ حُباهُمُ
وَأَحلامُهُم مِنها لَدى الوَزنِ أَثقَلُ
9. He avoided even untruth in speech, as though
Any words but the truth were forbidden to him when asked.
٩. تَجَنَّبَ لا في القَولِ حَتّى كَأَنَّهُ
حَرامٌ عَلَيهِ قَولُ لا حينَ تَسأَلُ
10. So alike were his days to us that we
Could not say which of the two was better.
١٠. تَشابَهُ يَوماهُ عَلَينا فَأَشكَلا
فَلا نَحنُ نَدري أَيُّ يَومَيهِ أَفضَلُ
11. The day of his glory or the day of his might—
Both were days that drove scholars to despair.
١١. أَيَومُ نَداهُ الغَمرُ أَم يَومُ بِأسِهِ
وَما مِنهُما إِلّا أَغَرُّ مُحَجَّلُ