
Your love agitated the early mornings of sorrows

هاجت هواك بواكر الأظعان

1. Your love agitated the early mornings of sorrows
On the day of parting, you remained in grief

١. هاجَت هَواكَ بَواكِرُ الأَظعانِ
يَومَ اللِوى فَظَلِلتَ ذا أَحزانِ

2. Were it not for hope in you, my she-camel would not have crossed
The expanse of Dubayl nor the settlements of Najran

٢. لَولا رَجاؤُكَ ما تَخَطَّت ناقَتي
عَرضَ الدَبيلِ وَلا قُرى نَجرانِ

3. A good dwelling for one seeking or devout
From those whom misfortunes of time afflict

٣. نِعمَ المُناخُ لِراغِبٍ وَلِراهِبٍ
مِمَّن تُصيبُ جَوائِحُ الأَزمانِ

4. Ma'n son of Za'ida, by whom
The glory of Banu Shayban's glory was increased

٤. مَعنُ بنُ زائِدَةَ الَّذي زيدَت بِهِ
شَرَفاً عَلى شَرَفٍ بَنو شَيبانِ

5. A mountain where Nizar's cubs are born
Lofty of path, unassailable bastions

٥. جَبَلٌ تَلودُ بِهِ نِزارٌ كُلَّها
صَعبُ الذُرى مُتَمَنِّعُ الأَركانِ

6. Indeed, counting the days of the valiant
One day of bounty, another of spears

٦. إِن عُدُّ أَيّامُ الفَعالِ فَإِنَّما
يَوماهُ يَومُ نَدىً وَيَومُ طِعانِ

7. His tongue loosens and his face glows
In awe when colors shift

٧. تَمضي أَسِنَّتُهُ وَيُسفِرُ وَجهُهُ
في الرَوعِ عِندَ تَغَيُّرِ الأَلوانِ

8. He adorns the couches and pulpits with joy
And bedecks them with clarity and rhetoric

٨. يَكسو الأَسِرَّةَ والمَنابِرَ بَهجَةً
وَيَزينُها بِجَهارَةٍ وَبيانِ

9. Each of your hands, Abu al-Walid, along with bounty
Were created for one holding the halter and reins

٩. كِلتا يَدَيكَ أَبا الوَليدِ مَعَ النَدى
خُلِقَت لِقائِمٍ مُنصُلِ وَعِنانِ

10. He brought spirited steeds from Iraq
Pudgy-bellied urged on by saddle girths

١٠. جَلَبَ الجِيادَ مِنَ العَراقِ عَوابِساً
قُبَّ البُطونِ يُقَدنَ بِالأَرسانِ

11. Bare, smooth-necked, vying in battle
With the white blade each submissive tribe

١١. جُرداً مُحَنَّبَةً تُعاضِدُ في السُرى
بِالبيدِ كُلَّ شِمِلَّةٍ مِذعانِ

12. From each fiery mare whose breast reveals
The impact of cane and bending like an ostrich

١٢. مِن كُلِّ سَلهَبَةٍ يَبينُ بِنَحرِها
وَقعُ القَنا وَأَقَبَّ كَالسَرحانِ

13. Until he raided Hadramawt with warriors
Like swooping eagles

١٣. حَتّى أَغَرنَ بِحَضرَموتَ شَوازِباً
مُقوَرَّةً كَكَواسِرِ العِقبانِ

14. A downpour your father, Abu al-Walid, when exalted
By the sword obtained the praises of Nu'man

١٤. مَطَرٌ أَبوكَ أَبو الوَليدِ إِذا عَلا
بِالسَيفِ حازَ هَجائِنَ النُعمانِ

15. My soul is ransom for Abu al-Walid when the clashing rises
Of windows and spears, O gleaming one!

١٥. نَفسي فِداءُ أَبي الوَليدِ إِذا عَلا
رَهَجُ السَنابِكِ وَالرِماحُ دَواني

16. You have not ceased, on the Day of the Hashimites, instructing
With the sword, protecting the Caliph of the Merciful

١٦. ما زِلتَ يَومَ الهاشِمِيَّةِ مُعلِماً
بِالسَيفِ دونَ خَليفَةِ الرَحمانِ

17. You shielded his territory and were his protection
From the impact of each bending spear and sharp blade

١٧. فَمَنَعتَ حَوزَتَهُ وَكُنتَ وِقاءَهُ
مِن وَقعِ كُلِّ مُهَنَّدٍ وَسِنانِ

18. You it is whom Rabia relies upon for aid
And counts on against the vicissitudes of events

١٨. أَنتَ الَّذي تَرجو رَبيعَةُ سَيبَهُ
وَتُعِدُّهُ لِنُوائِبِ الحَدَثانِ

19. Disappointed are those who hoped for your help yet obtained not
The least of your building in magnanimities, O builder!

١٩. فُتَّ الَّذينَ رَجَوا نَداكَ وَلَم يَنَل
أَدنى بِنائكَ في المَكارِمِ باني

20. Indeed I saw you enamored with praises
Purchasing them with the most precious prices

٢٠. إِنّي رَأَيتُكَ بِالمَحامِدِ مُغرَماً
تَبتاعُها بِرَغائِبِ الأَثمانِ

21. So when you performed a deed you perfected it
And nurtured it with the benefits of beneficence

٢١. فَإِذا صَنَعتَ صَنيعَةً أَتمَمتَها
وَرَبَيتَها بِفَوائِدِ الإِحسانِ