1. I saw the son of Ma'n whose generosity made eloquent even the dumbest.
He charged with poetry those who had no gift for it,
١. رَأَيتُ اِبنَ مَعنٍ أَنطَقَ الناسَ جودُهُ
فَكَلَّفَ قَولَ الشِعرِ مَن كانَ مُفحَما
2. And he made justice and weapons in our land cheap,
So that not even the sharpest sword reaches the price of a dirham.
٢. وَأَرخَصَ بِالعَدلِ السِلاحِ بِأَرضِنا
فَما يَبلُغُ السَيفُ المُهَنَّدُ دِرهِما