
I have chosen to praise the son of Yahya son of Khalid

تخيرت للمدح ابن يحيى بن خالد

1. I have chosen to praise the son of Yahya son of Khalid
I am content and have not wronged by choosing him

١. تَخَيَّرتُ لِلمَدحِ اِبنَ يَحيى بِن خالِدٍ
فَحَسبي وَلَم أَظلِم بِأَن أَتَخَيَّرا

2. He has the habit of extending justice and benevolence
To whoever descended from Qahtan or wore a cloak

٢. لَهُ عادَةٌ أَن يَبسُطَ العَدلَ وَالنَدى
لِمَن ساسَ مِن قَحطانَ أَو مَن تَنَزَّرا

3. He went to the eastern pulpit and did not cease
His father sits on a throne and pulpit

٣. إِلى المِنبَرِ الشَرقِيِّ سارَ وَلَم يَزَل
لَهُ والِدٌ يَعلو سَريراً وَمِنبَرا

4. Yahya al-Barmaki leads and is not seen
Through time as other than a leader or one empowered

٤. يُعَدُّ وَيَحيى البَرمَكِيُّ وَلا يُرى
لَهُ الدَهرَ إِلّا قائِداً أَو مُؤَمَّرا