
The pastures have been overwhelmed by the abundant growth

نواضر غلبا قد تدانت رءوسها

1. The pastures have been overwhelmed by the abundant growth
Of vegetation, so that even its ravens cannot fly.

١. نَواضِرَ غُلباً قَد تَدانَت رُءوسُها
مِنَ النَبتِ حَتّى ما يَطيرُ غُرابُها

2. You see the lofty palm trees laden as though
They were tents with domes spread over them.

٢. تَرى الباسِقاتِ العُمَّ فيها كَأَنَّها
ظَعائِنُ مَضروبٌ عَلَيها قِبابُها

3. Its gate is easy for every cannon
If a palm tree bears fruit and its gate is closed.

٣. تَرى بابَها سَهلاً لِكُلِّ مُدَفَّع
إِذا أَينَعَت نَخلٌ فَأُغلِقَ بابُها

4. We will have whatever we harvest from its fruits
As a springtime when its horizons have little cloud.

٤. يَكونُ لَنا ما نَجتَني مِن ثِمارِها
رَبيعاً إِذا الآفاقُ قَلَّ سَحابُها

5. Enclosures whose prices have not been mixed with usury
Nor have they been obtained by taking blood money.

٥. حَظائِرُ لَم يُخلَط بِأَثمانِها الرِبا
وَلَم يَكُ مِن أَخذِ الدِياتِ اِكتِسابُها

6. But God’s gift for every word of praise
Is plentiful from those who will inherit its reward.

٦. وَلكِن عَطاءُ اللَهِ مِن كُلِّ مِدحَةٍ
جَزيلٌ مِنَ المُستخلَفينَ ثَوابُها

7. And from our riding and the horses in every raid
Is lawful booty in a land whose people fear them.

٧. وَمِن رَكضِنا والخَيلَ في كُلِّ غارَةٍ
حَلالٌ بِأَرضٍ المُشرِكينَ نَهابُها

8. Our forefathers and ancestors housed their sheep
With the summits of mountains while their blood dyed them.

٨. حَوَت غُنمَها آباؤُنا وَجُدودُنا
بِصُمِّ العَوالي وَالدِماءُ خِضابُها