
Jacob son of David shall be summoned, disappointed

سيحشر يعقوب بن داود خائبا

1. Jacob son of David shall be summoned, disappointed
A book revealing between the eyes of the unbeliever

١. سَيُحشَرُ يَعقوبُ بِنُ داودُ خائِباً
يَلوحُ كِتابٌ بَينَ عَينَيهِ كافِرُ

2. His betrayal of al-Mahdi destroyed his reputation
Thus he became like one whom graves have hidden

٢. خِيانَتُهُ المَهدِيَّ أَودَت بِذِكرِهِ
فَأَمسى كَمَن قَد غَيَّبَتهُ المَقابِرُ

3. To al-Mahdi you appeared like the dawn, shining
From the deceit that consciences were conceiving

٣. بَدا مِنكَ لِلمَهدِيِّ كَالصُبحِ ساطِعاً
مِنَ الغِشِّ ما كانَت تُجِنُّ الضَمائِرُ

4. Can the dawn's whiteness, if its glow appears
Drive away the darkness of night's veil?

٤. وَهَل لِبياضِ الصُبحِ إِن لاحَ ضَوؤُهُ
فَجابَ الدُجى مِن ظُلمَةِ اللَيلِ ساتِرُ

5. A position above that which you had attained
You pursued, but did not succeed in what you feared

٥. أَمَنزِلَةٌ فَوقَ الَّتي كُنتَ نِلتَها
تَعاطَيتَ لا أَفلَحتَ مِمّا تُحاذِرُ