
He went on his way, and Ma'n remained,

مضى لسبيله معن وأبقى

1. He went on his way, and Ma'n remained,
His noble deeds will never fade or be attained.

١. مَضى لِسَبيلِهِ مَعنٌ وَأَبقى
مَكارِمَ لَن تَبيدَ وَلَن تُنالا

2. When Ma'n was stricken, it was as if
The sun was shrouded in darkness and gloom.

٢. كَأَنَّ الشَمسَ يَومَ أُصيبَ مَعنٌ
مِنَ الإِظلامَ مُلبَسَةٌ جِلالا

3. He was the mountain against which small hills
Were rendered futile by the enemy.

٣. هُوَ الجَبَلُ الَّذي كانَت نِزارٌ
تَهدُّ مِنَ العَدُوِّ بِهِ الجِبالا

4. The frontiers were vulnerable without Ma'n
Who could make the young plants grow.

٤. وَعُطِّلَتِ الثُغورُ لِفَقدِ مَعنٍ
وَقَد يُروي بِها الأَسَلَ النِهالا

5. Iraq was darkened and left distraught
By the calamitous loss that caused its turmoil.

٥. وَأَظلَمَتِ العِراقُ وَأَورَثَتها
مُصيبَتُهُ المُجَلِّلَةُ اِختِلالا

6. Syria kept trembling,
When the pillar of glory began to tilt.

٦. وَظَلَّ الشامُ يَرجِفُ جانِباهُ
لِرُكنِ العِزِّ حينَ وَهيَ فَمالا

7. The lands of Tihama nearly disappeared,
As did Najd the next morning.

٧. وَكادَت مِن تِهامَةَ كُلُّ أَرضٍ
وَمِن نَجدٍ تَزولُ غَداةَ زالا

8. If he were to return the lands would bow to him,
As they were exalted by his presence before.

٨. فَإِن يَعلُ البِلادَ لَهُ خُشوعٌ
فَقَد كانَت تَطولُ بِهِ اِختِيالا

9. Death took on the day it took Ma'n
The most generous of the living.

٩. أَصابَ المَوتُ يَومَ أَصابَ مَعناً
مِنَ الأَحياءِ أَكرَمَهُم فَعالا

10. All the people belonged to Ma'n
Until his children visited his grave.

١٠. وَكانَ الناسُ كُلُّهُمُ لِمَعنٍ
إِلى أَن زارَ حُفرَتَهُ عِيالا

11. No seeker of glory intended
To travel save to Ibn Ziyad's son.

١١. وَلَم يَكُ طالِبٌ لِلعُرفِ يَنوي
إِلى غَيرِ اِبنِ زائِدَةً اِرتِحالا

12. Gone is he who could shoulder every burden
And exceed in merit those who request.

١٢. مَضى مَن كانَ يَحمِلُ كُلَّ ثِقلٍ
وَيَسبِقُ فَضلُ نائِلِهِ السُؤالا

13. No delegations ever came for one like Ma'n
Nor pitched their tents in his field.

١٣. وَما عَمدَ الوُفودُ لِمَثلِ مَعنٍ
وَلا حَطّوا بِساحَتِهِ الرِحالا

14. Nor did any givers reach with their palms
A right or left hand from him.

١٤. وَلا بَلَغَت أَكُفُّ ذَوي العَطايا
يَميناً مِن يَديهِ وَلا شِمالا

15. His reservoirs of kindness were never dry
For those who came to him with wants.

١٥. وَما كانَت تَجِفُّ لَهُ حِياضٌ
مِنَ المَعروفِ مُترَعَةٌ سِجالا

16. The white-robed one who wouldn't count wealth
Until it reached the destitute.

١٦. لِأَبيَضَ لا يَعُدُّ المالَ حَتّى
يَعُمَّ بِهِ بُغاةَ الخَيرِ مالا

17. If only death had spared him - he was their sacrifice -
And his life had been prolonged.

١٧. فَلَيتَ الشامِتينَ بِهِ فَدَوهُ
وَلَيتَ العُمرَ مُدَّ لَهُ فَطالا

18. His treasure was not gold but
Swords from India and fine coats of mail,

١٨. وَلَم يَكُ كَنزُهُ ذَهَباً وَلكِن
سُيوفَ الهِندِ وَالحَلَقَ المُذالا

19. Horses dark as night yet obedient and calm,
Deeds of praise stored for the virtuous,

١٩. وَذابِلَةً مِنَ الخَطِّيِّ سُمراً
تَرى فيهِنَّ ليناً وَاِعتِدالا

20. Favors that if humbled had been
Steeds he disliked to humiliate.

٢٠. وَذُخراً مِن مَحامِدَ باقِياتٍ
وَفَضلَ تُقى بِهِ التَفضيلَ نالا

21. With him they charged and he made them leap up,
Returning them with their reins.

٢١. لَئِن أَمسَت رُوَيداً قَد أُذيلَت
جِياداً كانَ يَكرَهُ أَن تُذالا

22. They warded off calamity and kept him safe,
Though death's specter befell them.

٢٢. لَقَد كانَت تُصابُ بِهِ وَيَسمو
بِها عَقباً وَيُرجِعَها حَبالا

23. Gone is he whom you hoped
Would rectify your life's stumbles.

٢٣. وَقَد حَوَتِ النِهابَ فَأَحرَزَتهُ
وَقَد غَشِيَت مِنَ المَوتِ الطِلالا

24. You cannot control the tears that fell
From your eyes, pouring nonstop.

٢٤. مَضى لِسَبيلِهِ مَن كُنتَ تَرجو
بِهِ عَثَراتُ دَهرِكَ أَن تُقالا

25. In your heart is blazing sorrow,
Like a flaming fire lit.

٢٥. فَلَستَ بِمالِكٍ عَبَرات عَينٍ
أَبَت بِدُموعِها إِلّا اِنهِمالا

26. It's as if after Ma'n, the nights
Have joined together and prolonged.

٢٦. وَفي الأَحشاءِ مِنكَ غَليلُ حُزنٍ
كَحَرِّ النارِ يَشتَعِلُ اِشتِعالا

27. You've left me and my children with worries
And sorrows that keep us busy.

٢٧. كَأَنَّ اللَيلَ واصَلَ بَعدَ مَعنٍ
لَيالِيَ قَد قُرِنَّ بِه فَطالا

28. A woman who saw me said, astonished,
"He's changed in body and demeanor."

٢٨. لَقَد أَورَثتَني وَبَنيَّ هَمّاً
وَأَحزاناً نُطيلُ بِها اِشتِغالا

29. She saw a man whom sadness had aged
And caused sickness and anxiety.

٢٩. وَقائِلَةٍ رَأَت جِسمي وَلَوني
مَعاً عَن عَهدِها قُلِبا فَحالا

30. "I see Marwan has returned gaunt
As an Indian sword that lost its polish."

٣٠. رَأَت رَجُلاً بَراهُ الحُزنُ حَتّى
أَضَرَّ بِهِ وَأَورَثَهُ خَبالا

31. I said to her, "What you see changed in me
Is deep sadness that struck high."

٣١. أَرى مَروانَ عادَ كَذي نُحولٍ
مِنَ الهِندِيِّ قَد فَقَدَ الصِقالا

32. "Days of sorrow rotate,
Altering man's state again and again.

٣٢. فَقُلتُ لَها الَّذي أَنكَرتِ مِنّي
لِفَجعِ مُصيبَةٍ أَنكى وَعالا

33. After you, people see us in times
That have not been kind to our forefathers.

٣٣. وَأَيّامُ المَنونِ لَها صُروفٌ
تَقَلَّبُ بِالفَتى حالاً فَحالا

34. We are like cups, from which times didn't spare
A portion for us or let us subsist."

٣٤. يَرانا الناسُ بَعدَكَ فل دَهرٍ
أَبي لِجُدودِنا إِلّا اِغتِيالا

35. We would quench thirst at your basin
And not reject the overflow.

٣٥. فَنَحنُ كَأَسهُمٍ لَم يُبقِ ريشاً
لَها رَيبُ الزَمانِ وَلا نصالا

36. My father yearned for you when gifts
Were made, false and corrupted.

٣٦. وَقَد كُنّا بِحَوضِكَ ذاكَ نَروي
وَلا نَرِدُ المُصَرَّدَةَ السِحالا

37. My father longed for you when captives
Complained of the shackles bruising their necks.

٣٧. فَلَهفُ أَبي عَلَيكَ إِذا العَطايا
جُعِلنَ مُنى كَواذِبَ وَاِغتِلالا

38. My father longed for you when orphans
Wandered disheveled, as if cast off.

٣٨. وَلَهفُ أَبي عَلَيكَ إِذا الأَسارى
شَكَوا حَلَقاً بِأَسوُقِهِم ثِقالا

39. My father longed for you when livestock
Suffered drought, dying of emaciation.

٣٩. وَلَهفُ أَبي عَلَيكَ إِذا اليَتامى
غَدَوا شُعثاً كَأَنَّ بِهِم سُلالا

40. My father longed for you, for every pregnant she-camel
Bearing burdens that weighed down its back.

٤٠. وَلَهفُ أَبي عَلَيكَ إِذا المَواشي
قَرَت جَدباً تُماتُ بِهِ هُزالا

41. My father longed for you when poetry
Went astray in praise of the undeserving.

٤١. وَلَهفُ أَبي عَلَيكَ لِكُلِّ هَيجا
لَها تُلقى حَوامِلُها السِخالا

42. My father longed for you in every matter
For which the honorable would say, strategize!

٤٢. وَلَهفُ أَبي عَلَيكَ إِذا القَوافي
لِمُمتَدَحٍ بِها ذَهَبَت ضَلالا

43. We stayed in Yamama, having despaired
Of staying in a place we didn't want.

٤٣. وَلَهفُ أَبي عَلَيكَ لِكُلِّ أَمرٍ
يَقولُ لَهُ النَجِيُّ أَلا اِحتِيالا

44. We said, where can we go after Ma'n
When gifts and hospitality have departed?

٤٤. أَقَمنا بِاليَمامَةِ إِذ يَئِسنا
مُقاماً لا نُريدُ لَهُ زِيالا

45. If you are gone, many are the horses
Whose bridles you've pulled with strength.

٤٥. وَقُلنا أَينَ نَرحَلُ بَعدَ مَعنٍ
وَقَد ذَهَبَ النَوالُ فَلا نَوالا

46. You were a spring for some people,
And a calamity for others.

٤٦. فَإِن تَذهَب فَرُبَّ رِعالِ خَيلٍ
عَوابِسَ قَد كَفَفتَ بِها رِعالا

47. None who witnessed your feats was firmer,
More forbearing when wronged, and harsher in affliction.

٤٧. وَقَومٍ قَد جُعِلتَ لَهُم رَبيعاً
وَقَومٍ قَد جُعِلتَ لَهُم نَكالا

48. The Caliph, when matters trouble him
And he lacks men, will remember you.

٤٨. فَما شَهِدَ الوَقائِعَ مِنكَ أَمضى
وَأَكرَمُ محتَداً وَأَشَدُّ بالا

49. He won't forget your exploits against enemies
That brought them ruin and woes.

٤٩. سَيذكُرُكَ الخَليفَةُ غَيرَ قال
إِذا هُوَ بالأُمورِ بَلا الرِجالا

50. A battlefield you witnessed defending
That even its knights disliked to fight in.

٥٠. وَلا يَنسى وَقائِعِكَ اللَواتي
عَلى أَعدائِهِ جُعِلَت وَبالا

51. The brother of Umayya will remember you in elegy
Along with praise you were given.

٥١. وَمُعتَرَكاً شَهِدتَ بِهِ حِفاظاً
وَقَد كَرِهَت فَوارِسُهُ النِزالا

52. Every year he journeyed close to you
Prolonging his stay at Al-Wasit.

٥٢. حَباكَ أَخو أُمَيَّةَ بِالمَراثي
مَعَ المِدَحِ اللَواتي كانَ قالا

53. In sorrow, he shunned travel
And swore never to saddle his mount.

٥٣. أَقامَ وَكانَ نَحوَكَ كُلَّ عامٍ
يُطيلُ بواسِطِ الرَحلِ اِعتِقالا

٥٤. وَأَلقى رَحلَهُ أَسَفاً وَآلى
يَميناً لا يَشُدُّ لَهُ حِبالا