
We praise the one whose son Yahya fulfilled,

حمدنا الذي أدى ابن يحيى فأصبحت

1. We praise the one whose son Yahya fulfilled,
So birds now glide happily to us,

١. حَمِدنا الَّذي أَدّى اِبنُ يَحيى فَأَصبَحَت
بِمَقدَمِهِ تَجرى لَنا الطَيرُ أَسعُدا

2. Our eyes did not sleep until they saw him,
Nor did they cease, until they wept copiously.

٢. وَما هَجَعَت حَتّى رَأَتهُ عُيونُنا
وَما زِلنَ حَتّى آبَ بِالدَمعِ حُشَّدا

3. His horses and men greeted us at dawn,
With the finest of violence and generosity,

٣. لَقَد صَبّحَتنا خَيلُهُ وَرِجالُهُ
بِأَروَع بدءِ الناسِ بِأساً وَسُؤدَدا

4. He dispelled the enemy from Khurasan,
As the dawn dispels the cloak of darkness arrogantly,

٤. نَفى عَن خُراسانَ العَدُوَّ كَما نَفى
ضُحى الصُبحِ جِلبابَ الدُجى فَتَعَرَّدا

5. It startled those who marched to Merv,
And they said our people have scattered,

٥. لَقَد راعَ مَن أَمسى بِمَروٍ مَسيرُهُ
إِلَينا وَقالوا شَعبُنا قَد تَبَدَّدا

6. When he unlocked every darkness,
And freed the chained prisoner,

٦. عَلى حينَ أَلقى قُفلَ كُلِّ ظُلامَةٍ
وَأَطلَقَ بِالعَفوِ الأَسيرَ المُقَيَّدا

7. And spent without reserve, with justice among them,
The hands of familiar generosity and promise,

٧. وَأَفشى بِلا مَنٍّ مَعَ العَدلِ فيهِم
أَيادِيَ عُرفِ باقِياتِ وَعُوَّدا

8. He took away their fears,
And brought secure life to them,

٨. فَأَذهَبَ رَوعاتِ المَخاوِفِ عَنهُمُ
وَأَصدَرَ باغي الأَمنِ فيهِمِ وَأَورَدا

9. He was most affectionate and kind to the orphans among them,
More so than fathers who show tenderness,

٩. وَأَجدى عَلى الأَيتامِ فيهِم بِغُرفِهِ
فَكانَ مِنَ الآباءِ أَحنى وَأَعوَدا

10. When people seek the epitome of grace and nobility,
And the furthest star in valor,

١٠. إِذا الناسُ راموا غايَةَ الفَضلِ في النَدى
وَفي البَأسِ أَلفَوها مِنَ النَجمِ أَبعَدا

11. Ascending in grace are Yahya and Khalid,
To every matter most auspicious and glorious,

١١. سَما صاعِداً بِالفَضلِ يَحيى وَخالِدٌ
إِلى كُلِّ أَمرٍ كانَ أَسنى وَأَمجَدا

12. Gentle to those who obeyed the Caliph,
And watered the sword with the blood of rebels,

١٢. يَلينُ لِمَن أَعطى الخَليفَةَ طاعَةً
وَيَسقى دَم العصى الحُسامَ المُهَنَّدا

13. His swords humbled hypocrisy and polytheism,
And were a lasting honor for the people of religion,

١٣. أَذَلَّت مَعَ الشِركِ النِفاقَ سُيوفُهُ
وَكانَت لِأَهلِ الدينِ عِزّاً مُؤَبَّدا

14. And strengthened the force of swearing allegiance to Al-Mustafa,
To whom the Caliph was entrusted,

١٤. وَشَدَّ القُوى مِن بَيعَةِ المُصطَفى الَّذي
عَلى فَضلِهِ عَهدَ الخَليفَةِ قُلِّدا

15. The honorable prophet, the opener and the sealer,
Through whom God bestowed all good and guided,

١٥. سَمِيُّ النّبِيِّ الفاتِحُ الخاتِمِ الَّذي
بِهِ اللَهُ أَعطى كُلَّ خَيرٍ وَسَدَّدا

16. You ransacked the mountains of Kabul,
Leaving no place for the fires of misguidance,

١٦. أَبَحتَ جِبالَ الكابُلِيِّ وَلَم تَدَع
بِهِنَّ لِنيرانِ الضَلالَةِ مَوقِدا

17. Your horses trampled their crowds,
Leaving them dead, captive, routed, and scattered,

١٧. فَأَطلَعتَها خَيلاً وَطِئنَ جُموعَهُ
قَتيلاً وَمَأسوراً وَفَلّاً مُشَرَّدا

18. And the son of Barmak returned to your blessings, after
He saw death solitary and helpless.

١٨. وَعادَت عَلى اِبن البَرمِ نُعماكَ بَعدَما
تَحَوَّبَ مَخذولاً يَرى المَوت مُفرَدا