
The shackles were broken by you, those that were built for them

وفكت بك الأسرى التي شيدت لها

1. The shackles were broken by you, those that were built for them
Prisons in which no intimate visits them

١. وَفُكَّت بِكَ الأَسرى الَّتي شُيِّدَت لَها
مَحابِسُ ما فيها حَميمٌ يَزورُها

2. While the Muslims despaired of ransoming them
And said the polytheists' prisons are their graves

٢. عَلى حينَ أَعيا المُسلِمينَ فِكاكُها
وَقالوا سُجونُ المُشرِكينَ قُبورُها