
The lightning only flashes when an exile yearns,

ما يلمع البرق إلا حن مغترب

1. The lightning only flashes when an exile yearns,
As if it is one of the causes of his longing and wakefulness.

١. ما يَلمَعُ البَرقُ إِلّا حَنَّ مُغتَرِب
كَأَنَّهُ مِن دواعي شَوقِهِ وَصِبُ

2. Greetings to the specter of Umm Al-Simt that kept us awake,
While we have neither shields nor spears against it.

٢. أَهلاً بِطَيفٍ لأُمِّ السِمطِ أَرَّقَنا
وَنَحنُ لا صَدَدٌ مِنها وَلا كَثَبُ

3. My love for you remains as I knew it, despite the long absence,
My heart does not change its loyalty however remote you are.

٣. وُدّي عَلى ما عَهِدتُم في تَجَدُّدِهِ
لا القَلبُ عَنكُم بطولِ النَأيِ يَنقَلِبُ

4. The tribes suffice every complicated issue,
With it religion is protected or provision is made as needed.

٤. كَفى القَبائِلَ مَعنٌ كُلَّ مُعضِلَةٍ
يُحمى بِها الدينُ أَو يُرعى بِها لحَسَبُ

5. The treasure of praise and piety, its registers,
Not its papers and gold.

٥. كَنزُ المَحامِدِ وَالتَقوى دَفاتِرُهُ
وَلَيسَ مِن كَنزِهِ الأَوراقُ وَالذَهَبُ

6. You are the shooting star enemies are struck with,
So they shine while their flames die down.

٦. أَنتَ الشِهابُ الَّذي يُرمى العَدُوُّ بِهِ
فَيَستَنيرُ وَتَخبو عِندَهُ الشُهُبُ

7. The people of Shurayk, they are the ones who
In every bet, win the stakes.

٧. بَنو شُرَيكٍ هُمُ القَومُ الَّذينَ لَهُم
في كُلِّ رِهانٌ يُرحِزُ القَصَبُ

8. The horsemen of Shayban are known
For their truthfulness when they descend and their death when they ride.

٨. إِن الفَوارِسَ مِن شَيبانَ قَد عُرِفوا
بِالصِدقِ إِن نَزَلوا وَالمَوتِ إِن رَكِبوا

9. People before today have experienced that they
Are people of forbearance and people of mischief if they make mischief.

٩. قَد جَرَّبَ الناسُ قَبلَ اليَومِ أَنَّهُمُ
أَهلُ الحُلومِ وَأَهلُ الشَغبِ إِن شَغَبوا

10. Tell the generous one who strives to reach him,
"Desist, you have nothing left but loss and pursuit."

١٠. قُل لِلجَوادِ الَّذي يَسعى لِيُدرِكَهُ
أَقصِر فَما لَكَ إِلّا الفَوتُ وَالطَلَبُ