1. Moses and Aaron are the two
Found in books of news
١. موسى وَهارونَ هُما اللَذانِ
في كُتُبِ الأَخبارِ يوجَدانِ
2. Two guided ones from the Mahdi's lineage
With two reins held onto two reins
٢. مِن وَلَدِ المَهدِيِّ مُهدِيّانِ
قُدّاً عِنانَينِ عَلى عِنانِ
3. The Mahdi unleashed my tongue for me
And wrapped my loins with what endowed me
٣. قَد أَطلَقَ المَهدِيُّ لي لِساني
وَشَدَّ أَزري ما بِهِ حَباني
4. With the two noble and highborn ones
A feast day devastating prices
٤. مِنَ اللُجَينِ وَمِنَ العِقبانِ
عيدِيَّةٌ شاحِطَةُ الأَثمانِ
5. If the Tigris were mixed with milk
It would be said the two rivers resembled each other
٥. لَو خايَلَت دِجلَةَ بِالأَلبانِ
إِذاً لَقيلَ اِشتَبَهَ النَهرانِ