1. When I recall the singing-girl and her lute,
I moan, and the singing-girl and lute make me weep.
١. إِذا ما تَذَكَّرتُ النَظيمَ وَمُطرِقاً
خَنَنتُ وَأَبكاني النَظيمُ وَمُطرِقُ
2. My heart yearns toward Sanaa, when it saw
The sky of life lightning toward Sanaa.
٢. تَحِنُّ قَلوصي نَحوَ صَنعاءَ إِذ رَأَت
سَماءَ الحَيا مِن نَحوِ صَنعاءَ تَبرُقُ
3. It yearns for a meadow in Sanaa, turned green,
Whose draught of fresh water is never sullied.
٣. تَحِنُّ إِلى مَرعىً بِصَنعاءَ مُخضِبٍ
وَشربٍ رَواءٍ ماؤُهُ لا يُرَنذَقُ
4. My heart has learned that it must lose its soul
When it attains the basin of meaning and overflows.
٤. وَقَد وَثِقَت أَن سَوفَ يَصبَحُ رَبَّها
إِذا وَرَدتَ أَحواضَ مَعنٍ وَيَغبُقُ
5. It hopes for a companion whose being scintillates with life
Whose swords against his detractors give proof.
٥. تَؤُمُّ شُرَيكِيّاً تأَلَّلَ بِالحَيا
مَخائِلُهُ لِلشّائِمينَ فَتَصدُقُ