1. Salah al-Din, you have set right the world
Of the wretched who slept only covetous.
١. صَلاحُ الدينِ قَد أَصلَحتَ دُنيا
شَقِيٍّ لَم يَبِت إِلّا حَريصا
2. From you has come peace to us in general,
And your generosity has come to me especially.
٢. أَتى مِنكَ السَلامُ لَنا عُموماً
وَجودُكَ جاءَني وَحدي خُصوصا
3. So you were like the truthful Joseph when
Jacob received from him the shirt.
٣. فَكُنتَ كَيوسُفَ الصِدّيقِ لَمّا
تَلَقّى مِنهُ يَعقوبُ القَميصا