
Is there any news of the keeper of cheeks and beauty spots?

سلا هل سلا عن ربة الخال واللمى

1. Is there any news of the keeper of cheeks and beauty spots?
A lover will tomorrow emerge from her darkness complaining

١. سَلا هَل سَلا عَن رَبَّةِ الخالِ وَاللَمى
مُحِبٌّ غَدا مِن ظُلمِها مُتَظَلِّما

2. Did any lightning flash from the smile of her mouth?
That rains nothing but the clouds of her eyelids blood

٢. وَهَل لاحَ بَرقٌ مِن تَبَسُّمِ ثَغرِها
فَاِمطِر إِلّا سُحُبَ أَجفانِهِ دَما

3. Swaying like a tender sapling
My crookedness increases when she is more upright

٣. مُهَفهَفَةٌ كَالخَيزَرانَةِ لَينَةٌ
يَزيدُ اِعوِجاجي حينَ زادَت تَقَوُّما

4. When she speaks you meet scattered pearls
And when she smiles you kiss arranged pearls

٤. إِذا حادَثَت قابَلتَ دُرّاً مُنَثَّراً
وَإِن ضَحِكَت قَبّلَتُ دُرّاً مُنَظَّما

5. And when we stood to say farewell one evening
The fire of love showed nothing but embers

٥. وَلَمّا وَقَفنا لِلوَداعِ عَشِيَّةً
وَنارَالجَوى لَم تَبدُ إِلّا تَضَرُّما

6. I feared for my right eye from crying
So it brought good news while I made it complete

٦. خَشيتُ عَلى عَيني اليَمينِ مِنَ البُكا
فَأَصبَحَ بَشّاراً وَكُنتُ مُتَمِّما

7. Is it not time for the abodes to be near someone departing?
Is my saying of distant intentions of any use?

٧. أَما آنَ أَن تَدنو الدِيارَ بِنازِحٍ
وَهَل نافِعي قَولي بُعَيدَ النَوى أَما

8. As if the hardness of separation did not see in the world
For its purposes other than lovers as its targets

٨. كَأَنَّ قِسِيَّ البَينِ لَم تَرَ في الوَرى
لِأَغرِاضِها إِلّا المُحِبّينَ أَسهُما