
I have a lover who grows dearer day by day

لي حبيب يزيد في كل يوم

1. I have a lover who grows dearer day by day
His love increases even as the crescent moon

١. لي حَبيبٌ يَزيدُ في كُلِّ يومٍ
حُبُّهُ مِثلَما يَزيدُ الهِلالُ

2. Many envious ones blame my passion, alas
For him, while the chiders are few

٢. كَثُرَ الحاسِدونَ يَالَغَرامي
في هَواهُ وَقَلَّتِ العُذّالُ

3. He has outshone the radiant dawn, yet he is a fawn
He has humbled the lions, yet he is a gazelle

٣. قَد أَظَلَّ الوُفودَ وَهُوَ صَباحٌ
وَأَذَلَّ الأُسودَ وَهُوَ غَزالُ

4. Soon we shall part and cease to meet
While still remote are my joy and union with him

٤. فَقَريبانِ هَجرُهُ وَالتَنائي
وَبَعيدانِ سَلوَتي وَالوِصالُ

5. By God, because of an eye
That has deprived me of sleep, tender and languorous

٥. فَوَحَقِّ الإِلَهِ إِنّي لِعَينٍ
أَسهَرَتني عَينُ وَباءٍ وَدالُ