
Damascus, I greet you from one alive and calling

دمشق حييت من حي ومن نادي

1. Damascus, I greet you from one alive and calling
How excellent, most excellent, is your valley among valleys

١. دِمَشقُ حُييِتِ مِن حَيٍّ وَمِن نادي
وَحَبَّذا حَبَّذا واديكِ مِن وادِ

2. The revelers are not regretful as it descends upon them
It raises them up, a cup, to a friend

٢. لَيسَ النَدامى نَدامى حينَ تَنزِلُهُ
يَعُلُّهُم شادِنٌ كَأساً عَلى شادِ

3. Truly, and for the leaves in its leaves, a rapture
As if in every branch, a thousand friends

٣. حَقَّاً وَلِلوُرقِ في أَوراقِهِ طَرَبُ
كَأَنَّ في كُلِّ عودٍ أَلفَ عَوّادِ

4. O passerby going, stop by Barada
And spare me talk of the passerby who passed

٤. يا غادِياً رائِحاً عَرِّج عَلى بَرَدى
وَخَلِّني مِن حَديثِ الرائِحِ الغادي

5. How much have I drank in the shade of its terraces
From the water of its terraces that rouses you from habits

٥. كَم قَد شَرِبتُ بِهِ في ظِلِّ دالِيَةٍ
مِن ماءِ دالِيَةٍ تُنبيكَ عَن عادِ

6. Next to a water-bearer, from the palm of a water-bearer
Who stood, bent with a wrist not called to

٦. في جَنبِ ساقِيَةٍ مِن كَفِّ ساقِيَةٍ
قامَت تَثَنّى بِقَدٍّ غَيرِ مُنآدِ

7. Brown, like the brown partition, clear
Her moist lips remedy the roughness of the arid

٧. سَمراءُ كالصَعدَةِ السَمراءِ واضِحَةٌ
يَشفي لَمَى شَفَتَيها غُلَّةَ الصادي

8. To me, when her passions meet my eyes
A beauty of glancing in Miqdad's eyes

٨. لَها بِعَيني إِذا ماسَت عَواطِفُها
جَمالُ مَيّاسَةٍ في عَينِ مِقدادِ

9. Shall I risk my time in loving her
While my people are with my enemies and enviers?

٩. وَهَل أَذَمُّ زَماني في مَحَبَّتِها
وَأَهلُهُ عِندَ أَعدائي وَحُسّادي

10. And I have become proud in Saladin
Above the land, from civilization and from the nomad

١٠. وَقَد غَدَوتُ بِفَخرِ الدينِ مُفتَخِراً
عَلى البَرِيَّةِ مِن حَضَرٍ وَمِن بادي

11. The revolt of Shah, son of Ayyub, by which
Damascus became eminent over Egypt and Baghdad

١١. ثَورانَ شاهَ بنَ أَيّوبَ الَّذي شَرُفَت
بِهِ دِمَشقُ عَلى مِصرٍ وَبَغدادِ

12. From the son of Mamah, and Al-Tai in generosity
And the intensity of armor, Amr and Ibn Shaddad

١٢. مِن اِبنُ مامَةَ وَالطائيُّ في كَرَمٍ
وَشِدَّةِ الباسِ عَمروٌ وَاِبنُ شَدّادِ

13. Like the moon, if it departs, darkness falls after it
And if it appears, the friendly guide comes to you

١٣. كَالبَدرِ إِن غابَ حَلَّت بَعدَهُ ظُلَمٌ
وَإِن أَلَّمَ أَتاكَ المُؤنِسُ الهادي

14. And he is the one who never ceased in any abode
To travel behind the sublime, with water and supplies

١٤. وَهُوَ الَّذي لَم يَزَل في كُلِّ مَنزِلَةٍ
يَسيرُ خَلفَ العُلى بِالماءِ وَالزادِ

15. From a people whose fires of war
Were ever kindled, flashing and thundering

١٥. مِن مَعشَرٍ لَم تَزَل نيرانُ حَربِهِم
مَشبوبَةً ذاتِ إِبرِاقٍ وَإِرعادِ

16. Their assemblies pass as protected and serious
The jest of Ibn Hajjaj amid the solemnity of Ibn Abbad

١٦. تَمضي مَجالِسُهُم غُرّاً مُحَجَّلَةً
هَزلَ اِبنِ حَجّاجِ في جِدِّ اِبنِ عَبّادِ