
Contemplate, and let your soul be steadfast,

تأمل ولتكن ثبت الجنان

1. Contemplate, and let your soul be steadfast,
The women of the camp, or the houris of Paradise,

١. تَأَمَّل وَلتَكُن ثَبتَ الجَنانِ
نِساءَ الحَيِّ أَم حورُ الجِنانِ

2. Appearing like full moons rising at night,
Their figures like slender branches of ban wood.

٢. بَدَونَ كَأَنَّهُنَّ بُدورُ تِمٍّ
وَمِسنَ كَأَنَّهُنَّ غُصونُ بانِ

3. How many veiled beauties are there in the camp
Their cheeks and their steeds dyed red.

٣. وَكَم في الحَيِّ بَهكَنَةٌ حَصانٌ
مُبَرقَعَةُ المُحَيّا وَالحِصانِ

4. The oasis stained with the blood of enemies
Is as wine to my eyes intoxicated with crimson vats.

٤. وَمخضوبُ القَناةِ مِنَ الأَعادي
لِعَينَي كُلِّ مَخضوبِ البِنانِ

5. We came upon them as guests, but
Our eyes were too busy for conversation.

٥. أَتَيناهُنَّ أَضيافاً وَلَكِن
شُغلِنا بِالجُفونِ عَنِ الجِفانِ

6. They say, turn your grey stallion from us,
And speak to us in metres of threes and eights.

٦. يَقُلنَ تَسَلَّ بِالصَهباءِ عَنّا
عَلى ضَربِ المَثالِثِ وَالمَثاني

7. I said, the Dog Star's rising is done,
And the fires have returned to their hearths.

٧. فَقُلتُ وَقَد مَضى نَوءُ الثُرَيّا
وَجاءَت بِالسُعودِ النَيِّرانِ

8. How the rain clouds' eyes weep with passion,
While the mouths of blossoms smile with joy.

٨. عُيونَ السُحبِ كَم تَبكينَ وَجداً
وَقَد ضَحِكَت ثُغورُ الأُقحُوانِ

9. In the quarter of my beloved we have a spring,
With a light the galaxies have never contained.

٩. وَفي رَبعِ الحَبيبِ لَنا رَبيعٌ
وَنَورٌ ما حَوَتهُ النَيرَبانِ

10. The morning sun in your beauty is only
Like the sun of the Sultan's glorious state.

١٠. وَما شَمسُ الضُحى في الحُسنِ إِلّا
كَشَمسِ الدَولَةِ المَلِكِ الهَجانِ

11. Strong in war, noble in character,
Sheltering the neighbour, open-handed to friends.

١١. شَديدُ البَأسِ مَحمودُ السَجايا
مَنيعُ الجارِ مَبذولُ الخُوانِ

12. Rightfully known for beneficence,
A valiant hero, no coward or miser.

١٢. هُوَ المَعروفُ بِالمَعروفِ حَقّاً
فَتىً لا بِالبَخيلِ وَلا الجَبانِ

13. His hands are only accustomed to drawing swords
Or holding reins, nothing else.

١٣. يُعَوِّدُ راحَتَيهِ البَسطَ إِلّا
عَلى إِمساكِ سَيفٍ أَو عِنانِ

14. Whenever war comes he fiercely engages
For fire makes itself known by its smoke.

١٤. إِذا ما حَلَّ حَرباً هاجَ نَقعاً
كَذاكَ النارِ تُعرَفُ بِالدُخانِ

15. Pride of the faith, may you grow ever prouder,
Above the kingdoms of East and West.

١٥. أَفَخرَ الدينِ زِد فَخراً وَعِزّاً
عَلى الأَملاكِ مِن قاصٍ وَدانِ

16. Saladin, son of Ayyub, son of Shadi,
A king feasted and famed far and wide.

١٦. تُرَنشاهُ بنُ أَيوُبَ بنُ شاذي
مُلوكٌ لِلطَعامِ وَلِلطِعانِ

17. Did not the world wake to war and peace
By your sword, dew, and axes?

١٧. أَلَم تَفُقِ الوَرى حَرباً وَسِلماً
بِسَيفِكَ وَالنَدى وَالصَولَجانِ

18. So I spoke truly, and you, for all mankind
In deed and word, sublime meanings.

١٨. فَصَحتُ أَنا وَأَنتَ الناسَ قَولاً
وَفِعلاً في المَعالي وَالمَعاني

19. You were as if Hassan ibn Sahl,
And I was as if Hassan ibn Hani.

١٩. وَكُنتَ كَأَنَّكَ الحَسَنُ بنُ سَهلٍ
وَكُنتُ كَأَنَّني الحَسَنُ بنُ هاني