
When he appeared, radiant in his beauty, smiling,

ومهفهف ناديته لما بدا

1. When he appeared, radiant in his beauty, smiling,
I called to him, enthralled.

١. وَمُهَفهَفٍ نادَيتُهُ لَمّا بَدا
مُتَهَلِّلاً بِجَمالِهِ مُتَبَسِّما

2. He was born to Turkish nobility - but in your love
He has become an Arab nomad, smitten.

٢. أَمُوَلَّدَ الأَتراكِ إِنَّ مُوَلَّدَ
الأَعرابِ أَضحى في هَواكَ مُتَيَّما

3. Do not drink from the cup of wine - give me
Your lips, which have already intoxicated me.

٣. لا تَشرَبَن كَأسَ المُدامَةِ وَاِسقِني
شَفَتاكَ قَد سَقَتاكَ مِن ماءِ اللَمى

4. If your heart were as gentle as your embrace,
My fate would not be as dark as your cheekbone.

٤. لَو كانَ قَلبُكَ مِثلَ عَطفِكَ لَيِّناً
ما كانَ حَظّي مِثلُ صُدغِكَ مُظلِما

5. Alas - how many sharp, unsheathed swords in his glance,
How much blood his proud neck has spilled!

٥. وَيلاهُ كَم بِغَرارِ صارِمٍ لَحظِهِ
وَسِنانِ صَعدَةِ قَدِّهِ أَجرى دَما

6. As if a gossip were whispering in the garden of his cheek
When I saw its blossoms stir and murmur.

٦. وَكَأَنَّ نَمّاماً بِرَوضَةِ خَدَّهِ
لَمّا رَأَيتُ عَذارَهُ قَد نَمنَما

7. With his shining lips and brow, the moon
Has made the earth into the sky, the sky into earth.

٧. قَمَرٌ بِواضِحِ ثَغرِهِ وَجَبينِهِ
غَدَتِ السماءُ الأَرضَ وَالأَرضُ السَما