1. Is it kohl in his eyes or a type of kohl?
Is it a rose on his cheeks or a dye of shyness?
١. كُحلٌ بِعَينَيهِ أَم ضَربٌ مِنَ الكُحلِ
وَردٌ بِخَدَّيهِ أَم صَبغٌ مِنَ الخَجَلِ
2. A swaying branch, if it inclines,
Is it a palm tree of sand or a sound from the sand?
٢. قَضيبُ بانٍ إِذا ما ماسَ مَيَّلَهُ
دَعَصٌ مِنَ الرَملِ أَو صَوتٌ مِنَ الرَمَلِ
3. It relents from a juicy bite in a tender mouth,
Sweet pillow, forbidden from kisses.
٣. يَفتُرُ عَن سِمطِ دُرٍّ في عَقيقِ فَمٍ
عَذبِ المَراشِفِ مَمنوعٍ مِنَ القُبَلِ
4. My poetry's fortune from his love,
Is like his hair, so how can you blame the gazelles for their gazelles?
٤. كَشَعرِهِ حَظُّ شِعري مِن مَحَبَّتِهِ
وَكيفَ تَتَّهِمُ الغُزلانَ بِالغَزَلِ
5. I swear by Nayrabian meadow, if
The rain clouds cast their shadow upon it,
٥. أَقسَمتُ ما رَوضَةٌ بِالنَيرَبَينِ إِذا
سَحَّت عَلَيها شُئونُ العارِضِ الهَطِلِ
6. Spring hands split its anemones when
Its gardens were touched like a drunkard.
٦. شَقَّت شَقائِقَها أَيدي الرَبيعِ وَقَد
ماسَت حَدائِقَها كَالشارِبِ الثَمِلِ
7. One day, better than the roses on cheeks,
Than narcissus shoots, no, better than bent narcissus.
٧. يَوماً بِأَحسَنَ مِن وَردِ الخُدودِ عَلى
بانِ القُدودِ وَلا مِن نَرجِسِ المُقَلِ
8. While the suns were setting, he said
But the sun of our love never declined.
٨. وَقائِلٍ وَشُموسِ الراحِ آفِلَةٌ
فينا وَشَمسُ مُديرِ الراحِ لَم تَقِلِ
9. This is love, if not for the abundance of censoring,
And life's joy if not for the swiftness of death.
٩. هَذا هُوَ الحُبُّ لَولا كَثرَةَ الرِقَبا
وَلَذَّةُ العَيشِ لَولا سُرعَةَ الأَجَلِ
10. Do not grieve over wealth, I said to it,
Ali son of Mamoun, after God is my reliance.
١٠. لا تَأسَفَنَّ عَلى مالٍ فَقُلتُ لَهُ
عَلِيُّ بنُ مامينَ بَعدَ اللَهِ مُتَّكَلي
11. The fighter of religion, so all religions,
And challenger of the splendid state against states.
١١. مُجاهِدَ الدينِ فَالأَديانَ قاطِبَةً
وَصارِمَ الدَولَةِ الغَرّاءِ في الدُوَلِ
12. A king whose opinion and high banners
On the day of battle upon the tired horses.
١٢. مَلكٌ لَهُ الرَأيَ وَالراياتِ عالِيَةٌ
يَومَ الطِرادِ عَلى العَسّالَةِ الذُبُلِ
13. A brave knight whom in the thick of battle
None pierces but the brave knight.
١٣. وَفارِسٌ بَطَلٌ لَم يَلقَ طَعنَتَهُ
عِندَ الكَريهَةِ غَيرُ الفارِسِ البَطَلِ
14. His actions between people remain consistent
While others' words among people remain without action.
١٤. مازالَ في قَولِهِ بَينَ الوَرى عَمَلٌ
وَغَيرُهُ في الوَرى قَولاً بِلا عَمَلِ
15. He rises in the eyes of enemies in rank
As if he were a moon in the eye of one squint-eyed.
١٥. يَزدادُ في أَعيُنِ الأَعداءِ مَنزِلَةً
كَأَنَّهُ قَمَرٌ في عَينِ ذي حَوَلِ
16. How the envious measure themselves against him!
Yet how far is the earth's depths from a mountain's summit?
١٦. كَما يَقيسُ بِهِ الحُسّادُ أَنفُسَهُم
وَأَينَ قَعرُ الثَرى مِن قُلَّهِ الجَبَلِ
17. Glories have bowed, you've risen above people in rank
And you remain bestowing horses and horsemen.
١٧. فَخرَ المَعالي عَلَوتَ الناسَ مَرتَبَةً
وَلَم تَزَل مُنعِماً بِالخَيلِ وَالخَوَلِ
18. How true are the strikes you deliver to enemies
With steadfast spear tips and sword pommels!
١٨. كَم حَملَةٍ لَكَ في الأَعداءِ صادِقَةٍ
وَطَعنَةٍ بِأَصمِّ الكَعبِ مُعتَدِلِ
19. You hastened them and left the horses empty
Of them, though man was created of haste.
١٩. عاجَلتَهُم فَتَرَكتَ الخَيلَ خالِيَةً
مِنهُم وَقَد خُلِقَ الإِنسانُ مِن عَجَلِ
20. You take no pride among the world's princes
Save that of Abdullah’s son among the messengers.
٢٠. ما أَنتَ في أُمَراءِ الدَهرِ مُفتَخَرٌ
إِلّا كَفَخرِ اِبنِ عَبدِ اللَهِ في الرُسُلِ
21. You attained praise of both parents when
Muhammad came and you anticipated the most high through Ali.
٢١. حَوَيتَ بِالوالِدَينِ الحَمدَ حينَ أَتى
مُحَمَّدٌ وَتَرَقَبتَ العُلى بِعَلي
22. My master, how many plagiarizing panegyrists
Do you reward, other than plagiarizers?
٢٢. مَولايَ كَم مادِحٍ تُعطيهِ مُنتَحِلٍ
وَشاعِرٍ لَم تُنِلهُ غَيرَ مُنتَحِلِ
23. No pearl is equal to counterfeit in the world,
Nor is honey compared with aloe sap.
٢٣. ما يَستَوي في الوَرى دُرٌّ وَمُخَشلَبٌ
وَلا يُقايَسُ بَينَ الصابِ وَالعَسَلِ
24. Do not wonder at my falling short next to their length,
For pride belongs to the lion, not the camel.
٢٤. لا تَعجَبَنَّ لِقَصري عِندَ طولِهِم
فَالفَخرُ لِلَّيثِ لَيسَ الفَخرُ لِلجَمَلِ
25. I am the one whose fortune is below lowliest,
Yet I composed poetry of you beyond compare.
٢٥. أَنا الَّذي حَظُهُ تَحتَ الحَضيضِ وَقَد
نَظَمتُ فيكَ بِلا شِبهٍ وَلا مَثَلِ
26. Poetry transcending poets and surpassing
Prize poems, conveyed even by a camel.
٢٦. شِعراً تَعالى عَلى الشِعرى وَجازَ عَلى
الجَوزا وَأَصبَحَ مَحمولاً عَلى الحَملِ