1. Is it not time for the angry one to show sympathy?
He has increased injustice in estrangement and aloofness.
١. أَما آنَ لِلغَضبانِ أَن يَتَعَطَّفا
لَقَد زادَ ظُلماً في القَطيعَةِ وَالجَفا
2. No closeness, only distance, no pleasure, only anger,
No connection, only separation, excuse without loyalty.
٢. بِعادٌ وَلا قُربٌ وَسُخطٌ وَلا رِضىً
وَهَجرٌ وَلا وَصلٌ وَعُذرٌ وَلا وَفا
3. My passion suffices me like the lover's on the fire,
And in me is sufficient longing and distress.
٣. كَفاني غَراماً كَالغَريمِ عَلى النَوى
وَعِندي مِنَ الشَوقِ المُبرَحِ ما كَفى
4. My life is troubled after it was serene,
And the heart I love is harder than a rock.
٤. تَكَدَّرَ عَيشي بَعدَما كانَ صافِياً
وَقَلبُ الَّذي أَهواهُ أَقسى مِنَ الصَفا
5. O cheek, you have only increased my inflammation,
O neck, you have only increased my ardour.
٥. فَيا خَدَّهُ لا زِدتَ إِلّا تَلَهُّباً
وَيا قَدَّهُ لا زِدتَ إِلّا تَهَفهُفا
6. O chest, your bosom is still inclined,
O eyes, your eyelids are still downcast.
٦. وَيا رِدفَهُ لا زالَ دِعصُكَ مائِلاً
وَيا طَرفَهُ لا زالَ جَفنُكَ مُدنَفا