
Whenever light has opened, light has shone bright

ما فتح النور إلا أشرق النور

1. Whenever light has opened, light has shone bright
So why are you so busy while prose is scattered about?

١. ما فَتَّحَ النَورُ إِلّا أَشرَقَ النورُ
فَما اِشتِغالُكَ وَالمَنثورُ مَنثورُ

2. And for spring there are meadows, whenever it smiles
The drunk weeps for the joys of wine.

٢. وَلِلرَبيعِ رُبوعٌ كُلَّما ضَحِكَت
بَكى عَلى نَشَواتِ الخَمرِ مَخمورُ

3. As for Damascus, it has gardens brought forth quickly
For those who seek the youths and maidens there.

٣. أَما دِمَشقُ فَجَنّاتٌ مُعَجَّلَةٌ
لِلطالِبينَ بِها الوِلدانُ وَالحورُ

4. No moon has sung on its strings there
Except a moonlike one and Shahrur has sung it.

٤. ما صاحَ فيها عَلى أَوتارِهِ قَمَرٌ
إِلّا وَغَنّاهُ قُمَرِيٌّ وَشَحرورُ

5. Oh how wonderful, the shields of water woven
By the fingers of wind, if only they were not false.

٥. يا حَبَّذا وَدُروعُ الماءِ تَنسُجُها
أَنامِلُ الريحِ لَولا أَنَها زورُ

6. The blamers envy the color of radiance out of spite
How long will I be envied and abandoned?

٦. وَيحُ اللَوائِمِ في لَونِ اللَمى حَسَداً
حَتّى مَتى أَنا مَحسودٌ وَمهجورُ

7. They turned me away from loving the one who turned away
And whoever loves gently, he is excused.

٧. هُم عارَضوني عَلى حُبّي لِعارِضِهِ
وَمَن أَحَبَّ عِذاراً فَهوَ مَعذورُ