
What crescent moon has been eclipsed,

أي هلال كسفا

1. What crescent moon has been eclipsed,
And what branch has been broken,

١. أَيُّ هِلالٍ كُسِفا
وَأَيُّ غُصنٍ قُصِفا

2. That was a lamp which shone,
Upon the land but then was extinguished.

٢. كانَ سِراجاً قَد طَفا
عَلى الوَرى ثُمَّ اِنطَفا

3. He did not ride horses, nor was he adorned,
With weapons and armor.

٣. لَم يَركَبِ الخَيلَ وَلَم
يُقَلِّدوهُ مُرهَفا

4. Say to the grammarians despite their views,
Ahmed is the most praised among you.

٤. قُل لِلنُحاةِ وَيحَكُم
أَحمَدَكُم قَد صُرِفا

5. Have patience, O Salah al-Din,
O Lord of forgiveness and loyalty.

٥. صَبراً صَلاحُ الدينِ يا
رَبَّ السَماحِ وَالوَفا