1. My friend abandoned me when I became destitute
And time has delayed me though I was ahead
١. جَفاني صَديقي حينَ أَصبَحتُ مُعدِماً
وَأَخَّرَني دَهري وَكُنتُ مُقَدَّما
2. And I traveled in ignorance so I stumbled though if I
Return to another journey, I would come blind
٢. وَسافَرتُ جَهلاً فَاِنعَوَرتُ وَإِن أَعُد
إِلى سَفرَةٍ أُخرى قَدِمتُ عَلى العَمى
3. And how many doctors who said "Get well" did I love
You lied even if you were Jesus son of Mary
٣. وَكَم مِن طَبيبٍ قالَ تَبرا أَحبَبتُهُ
كَذَبتَ وَلَو كُنتَ المَسيحَ بنَ مَريَما