
Arise, and listen, O maiden, and contemplate,

قومي اسمعي يا هذه وتأملي

1. Arise, and listen, O maiden, and contemplate,
How the branches swayed to the nightingale's song,

١. قومي اِسمَعي يا هَذِهِ وَتَأَمَّلي
رَقصَ الغُصونِ عَلى غِناءِ البُلبُلِ

2. And the birds in discourse and trilling,
The water rippling and cascading along.

٢. فَالطَيرَ بَينَ تَشاجُرٍ وَتَغَرُّدٍ
وَالماءَ بَينَ تَجَعُّدٍ وَتَسَلسُلِ

3. On the riverbank, many a doe has halted,
Of fawn-eyed and gazelle-eyed lovers,

٣. أَظباءَ وَجرةَ كَم بِشَطّى آمَدٍ
مِن ظَبِيَةٍ كَحلى وَظَبيٍ أَكحَلِ

4. Dotingly pampered and languidly melting,
Far apart - the pampered and the melting!

٤. وَمُدَلَّلٍ وَمُذَلَّلٍ في حُبِّهِ
شَتّانَ بَينَ مُذَلَّلٍ وَمُدَلَّلِ

5. Pleasant life danced in rhythm to its beauty,
From its Babylonian robes to its anklets' tinkle.

٥. وَالعَيشَ قَد رَقَصَت حَواشي حُسنِهِ
ما بَينَ دِجلَتِها إِلى قُطرَبُّلِ

6. Spring has embroidered its meadows, so it seems
An Abyssinian girl gaudily bejeweled.

٦. رَقمَ الرَبيعُ رُبوعَها فَكَأَنَّها
زُنجِيَةٌ تَختالُ فيها بِالحُلي

7. Who will join me in Jur'an's valley, where once,
On a starry night, boon friends kept me company?

٧. مَن لي بِجيرونٍ وَجيراني وَقَد
نادَمتُهُم في جُنحِ لَيلٍ أَليَلِ

8. For Ibn Thabit in Hasha I built a house,
Fairer than dawn or the evening star it be.

٨. وَلَقَد بَنَيتُ لِاِبنِ ثابِتٍ في الحَشا
بَيتاً أَرَقَّ مِنَ الصَبا وَالشَمأَلِ

9. Blessings on the band I caroused with one day
In Jalliq, in days of yore!

٩. لِلَّهِ دَرُّ عِصابَةٍ نادَمتُها
يَوماً بِجِلَّقَ في الزَمانِ الأَوَّلِ

10. Tenuf, whose palms I kept tapping,
To the camel driver's chant at eve they bore.

١٠. وَتَنوفَةٍ مازِلتُ أَقطَعُ جَوزَها
بِمُطَّهِمٍ عَبلِ القَوائِمِ هَيكَلِ

11. Until I told the tale of Nuwa's misfortune
To Mu'ayyad al-Din, the minister Abu 'Ali.

١١. حَتّى أَبَنتُ حَديثَ حادِثَةِ النَوى
لِمُؤَيَّدِ الدينِ الوَزيرِ أَبي عَلي

12. A speaker of truth against his foes -
His flashing blade is never blunted.

١٢. قَيلٌ يَقولُ الحَقَّ في أَعدائِهِ
بَطَلٌ مَضارِبُ سَيفِهِ لَم تُبطَلِ

13. In his fortress, a raincloud; above his steed
A lion, pouncing on the meadows roaming free.

١٣. في حِصنِهِ غَيثٌ وَفَوقَ حِصانِهِ
لَيثٌ يَكُرُّ عَلى الكَرَّةِ بِمسَحَلِ

14. Before the dew, smiling to his companions
Like lightning flashing as good news bears he.

١٤. مُتبَسِمٌ لِعَفاتِهِ قَبلَ النَدى
كَالبَرقِ يَلمَعُ لِلبَشارَةِ بِالوَلي

15. Bestowing steeds decked out on the unveiled,
So many a day his munificence made glisten!

١٥. يُعطي المُحَجَّلَةَ الجِيادَ وَكَم لَهُ
في الجودِ مِن يَومٍ أَغَرَّ مُحَجَّلِ

16. With his chest he turns back the brag of Samhar,
What can the withering do to the fading?

١٦. وَيَرُدُّ صَدرَ السَمهَرِيِّ بِصَدرِهِ
ماذا يُؤَثِّرُ ذابِلٌ في يَذبُلِ

17. As if he and al-Mashrafi with their hands
Were a sea engulfing the swimmers in its swell.

١٧. فَكَأَنَّهُ وَالمَشرَفِيُّ بِكَفِّهِ
بَحرٌ يَكُرُّ عَلى الكُماةِ بِجَدوَلِ

18. And his sons are the first into the fray
With the Mashrafi lances' quick thrust and repel.

١٨. وَلَهُ البَنونَ السابِقونَ إِلى الوَغى
بِالمَشرَفِيَّةِ وَالرِماحِ الذُبَّلِ

19. From each loose-sleeved hero, mighty Samaidha',
Most radiant browed lion Samardal as well.

١٩. مِن كُلِّ سَحّاحِ اليَدَينِ سَمَيذَعٍ
وَأَغَرَّ وَضّاحِ الجَبينِ شَمَردَلِ

20. He inherited generosity from noble ancestors,
As the imamate among the Saraya of 'Ali's line.

٢٠. وَرَث السَماحَةَ عَن جُدودٍ سادَةٍ
مِثلَ الإِمامَةِ في سَراةِ بَني عَلي

21. Finest achievement! How the world is illuminated
By his shining, beaming, glowing face divine!

٢١. أَكفى الكِفاةِ لَقَد تَهَلَّلَت الدُنى
مِن وَجهِهِ المُتَأَلِّقِ المُتَهَلِّلِ

22. You who filled the empire with piercing blades,
Generosities, virtues, and great kindness.

٢٢. أَنتَ الَّذي مَلَأَ المَلا بِصَلادِمٍ
وَصَوارِمٍ وَمَكارِمٍ وَتَفَضُّلِ

23. The pebbles are counted, but not your merits, which
Would weary all accountants without fail.

٢٣. يُحصى الحَصى إِلا مَناقِبَكَ الَّتي
يَعيا بِجُملَتِها حِسابُ الجُمَّلِ

24. In every land you have a way and creed,
A shrine whose breeze blows like a waving veil.

٢٤. لَكَ مَذهَبٌ في كُلِّ أَرضٍ مُذهَبٌ
وَثَناً يَفوحُ نَسيمُهُ كَالمَندَلِ

25. Wondrous, that I have come in evening times
To one like you, open-handed and sublime!

٢٥. عَجَباً لِمَن أَمسى بِآمِدَ مُقَتَّرا
مِثلي وَمِثلَكَ لِلسَماحِ بِآكِلِ

26. My lord, I came thirsty for your munificence,
And from my life's drought, you gave me to sip.

٢٦. مَولايَ قَد يَمَّمتُ جودَكَ ظامِئاً
وَشَرِبتَ مِن دَهري نَقيعَ الحَنظَلِ

27. I relied on your help, and was lavish -
Like al-Buhturi relying on generous Mu'tazz.

٢٧. وَقَدِ اِتَّكَلتُ عَلى نِداكَ وَسَيبِهِ
كَالبُحتُرِيِّ عَلى نَدى المُتَوَكِّلِ

28. So pour freely to one who seeks your ode, the like of which
Was not seen from Jarir in ancient days of old;

٢٨. فَأَصِخ لِقَصدِ قَصيدَةٍ ما مِثلُها
لِجَريرٍ في الزَمَنِ القَديمِ وَجَروَلِ

29. Were it recited in Kulaib's sanctuary, its verses
Would have shamed, in pagan days, the tongue of raving Muhallal.

٢٩. لَو أُنشِدَت بِحِمى كُلَيبٍ خالَها
في الجاهِلِيَةِ مِن لِسانِ مُهَلهِلِ