1. This beloved and this dawn,
The reproach of the jealous toward them is seduction,
١. هَذا الحَبيبُ وَهَذِهِ الصَهباءُ
عَذلُ المُصِرِّ عَليهِما إِغراءُ
2. And the braided hair adorns you with its sight
As it is irrigated, and the curly hair is twisting.
٢. وَالأَغيَدُ الأَلمى يَروقُكَ مَنظَراً
في سَقيِها وَالغادَةُ اللَمياءُ
3. O killer of my cup with the abundance of its water,
The living and the killed are equal to me.
٣. يا قاتِلاً كَأسي بِكَثرَةِ مائِهِ
ما الحَيُّ عِندي وَالقَتيلُ سَواءُ
4. With water everything perishing is revived
Except for cups, their perishing is from water.
٤. بِالماءِ يَحيى كُلُّ شَيءٌ هالِكٍ
إِلا الكُئوسَ هَلاكُهُنَّ الماءُ
5. And comfort is not for its lovers a comfort
Unless enriched by wealth and songs.
٥. وَالراحُ لَيسَ لِعاشِقيها راحَةُ
ما لَم يُساعِدهُم غِنىً وَغِناءُ
6. I ransom the one whose illness made me ill,
And he is the cure for my passion and disease.
٦. أَفدي الَّذي مَرِضَت لِمَرضَتِهِ الحَشا
وَهُوَ الدَواءُ لِمُهجَتي وَالداءُ
7. By my cheek and his cheek when they appear
From the intensity of our passion and shyness,
٧. وَبِوَجنَتَيَّ وَوَجنَتَيهِ إِذا بَدا
مِن فَرطِ وَجدَينا وَحَياءُ
8. How is reaching union when between us
A separation, and without his embrace the slender necked!
٨. كَيفَ الوُصولُ إِلى الوِصالِ وَبَينَنا
بَينٌ وَدونَ عِناقِهِ العَنقاءُ
9. For God's sake, my neighbors with their blankets
With them moths and mosquitoes.
٩. لِلَّهِ جيراني بِجيرونٍ وَلي
بِلِحاظِهِم وَبِهِم ظُبىً وَظِباءُ
10. As if they and the stench of their rest
In their rest are weakness, blood and gore.
١٠. وَكَأَنَّهُم وَكَأَنَّ حَمرَةَ راحِهِم
في راحِهِم وَهناً دُمىً وَدِماءُ
11. So it is as if the country's diseases in its entirety
Were quenched by the sword of al-Din and time.
١١. فَكَأَنَّما سَقَتِ البِلادَ مُلِثَّها
كَفا حُسامِ الدينِ وَالأَنواءُ
12. A king the sky adorned itself with his glory,
And the poets beautified themselves with praising him.
١٢. مَلِكٌ تَزَيَّنَتِ السَماءُ بِمَجدِهِ
وَتَجَمَّلَت بِمَديحِهِ الشُعَراءُ
13. He brings life and kills the arrogant and frightened,
So he is both ease and tribulation.
١٣. يَحيى وَيَقتُلُ اللَهاذِمَ وَاللُهى
فَكَأَنَّهُ السَرّاءُ وَالضَرّاءُ
14. He continues rising in glories an ascendant,
And his enemies are his puffing ascents.
١٤. مازالَ يَرقى في المَعالي صاعِداً
وَعَدُوُّهُ أَنفاسُهُ صُعَداءُ
15. Who is Hatim al-Tai in his generosity,
This freshness, not his camels or sheep?
١٥. مَن حاتَمُ الطائِيُّ عِندَ سَماحِهِ
هَذا النَدى لا إِبلُهُ وَالشاءُ
16. For the confessors of the treasuries of his money,
Every day there is a plundering raid.
١٦. لِلمُعتَفينَ عَلى خَزائِنِ مالِهِ
في كُلِّ يَومٍ غارَةٌ شَعواءُ
17. So he is the good fortune of fortune when he appears
To onlookers, and in intelligence an intelligence.
١٧. فَكَأَنَّهُ سَعدُ السُعودِ إِذا بَدا
لِلناظِرينَ وَفي الذَكاءِ ذُكاءُ
18. And to Sumeysat his steeds took him
From Mardin, and that is the virgin.
١٨. وَإِلى سُمَيساطٍ قَطَعنَ جِيادُهُ
مِن مارِدَينِ وَتِلكُمُ العَذراءُ
19. It reached the shelters of her mountains with every armed
In his rest a yellow snake
١٩. وافى أَجِنَّتَها بِكُلِّ مُدَجَّجِ
في راحَتَيهِ حَيَّةٌ صَفراءُ
20. Throwing its sons whenever it carried them,
And it has for them affection and crying.
٢٠. تَرمي بَنيها كُلَّما حَمَلَت بِهِم
وَلها عَلَيهِم حِنَّةٌ وَبُكاءُ
21. And of wonders is that a black man attained
And for him in each hand a white hand.
٢١. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ أَن حَظى أَسوَدٌ
وَلَهُ بِكُلِّ يَدٍ يَدٌ بَيضاءُ
22. The swords of God's religion and the kingship which
The titles and names have been ennobled by.
٢٢. أَحُسامَ دينِ اللَهِ وَالمُلكَ الَّذي
شَرُفَت بِهِ الأَلقابُ وَالأَسماءُ
23. The clan of glory answered you the shells of peach
Since you have excelled in glory beyond the shells.
٢٣. جابَت إِلَيكَ بَنو الرَجا جَوزَ الفَلا
مُذ شِدتَ مَجداً دونَهُ الجَوزاءُ
24. Does the dusty (world) carry one like you or did
The dusty (world) race with one like you on the day of the wager?
٢٤. هَل تَحمِلُ الغَبراءُ مِثلَكَ أَو جَرَت
يَومَ الرِهانِ بِمِثلِكَ الغَبراءُ
25. By your father's name we were guided in the darkness
And by your name the enemies flagged for us.
٢٥. بِسَمّي والِدُكَ اِهتَدَينا في الدُجى
وَعَنَت لَنا بِسَمّيكَ الأَعداءُ
26. We pasture the dead and the dead around us
The heaven and sky have witnessed their bloodshed.
٢٦. نَرعى الفَراقِدَ وَالفَراقِدُ حَولَنا
شَهِدَت بِذَينِ سَماوَةٌ وَسَماءُ
27. By God an accident threw me on the side of
This sanctuary and a bare wilderness.
٢٧. لِلَّهِ حادِثَةٌ رَمَت بِيَ جانِبَيَّ
هَذا الحِمى وَطِمِرَّةٌ جَرداءُ
28. He continues advancing returning in good fortune
As long as the morning and evening come.
٢٨. لازالَ في الإِقبالِ غادٍ رائِحاً
ما أَقبَلَ الإِصباحُ وَالإِمساءُ