
The traitors increased, and friends grew few,

كثر الخئون وقلت الإخوان

1. The traitors increased, and friends grew few,
People lost goodness and benevolence too,

١. كَثُرَ الخَئونَ وَقُلتُ الإِخوانَ
فَالقَومَ لا حُسنٌ وَلا إِحسانُ

2. I wish I knew where in life I once stood,
When people were people, and time was good.

٢. يا لَيتَ شِعري أَينَ كُنتَ مِنَ الدُنى
وَالناسُ ناسٌ وَالزمانُ زَمانُ