1. My weakness has doubled since the absence of loved ones
And their stern brows have been veiled from me
١. تَضاعَفَ ضَعفي بَعدَ بُعدِ الحَبائِبِ
وَقَد حَجَبوا عَنّي قِسِيَّ الحَواجِبِ
2. Since those stars set, they have not ceased
To be occupied with me in guiding the stars
٢. وَمُذ أَفَلَت تِلكَ الكَواكِبِ لَم تَزَل
مُوَكَّلَةً عَنّي بِرَعيِ الكَواكِبِ
3. So neither grief departs from me with a passing scent
Nor life approaches me with one who comes
٣. فَما آيبٌ لِلهَمِّ عَنّي بِرائِحٍ
وَلا رائِحٌ لِلعَيشِ عَنّي بِآيِبِ
4. A wailing woman cried out mournfully with anguish
And stirred up misgiving in the heart of the mourner
٤. وَنادِبَةٍ ناحَت سُحَيراً بِأَيكَةٍ
فَهَيَّجَتِ الوَسواسَ في قَلبِ نادِبِ
5. She laments over a branch, and I lament for the like of it
Does one present weep the sorrow of one absent?
٥. تَنوحُ عَلى غُصنٍ أَنوحُ لِمِثلِهِ
وَهَل حاضِرُ يَبكي أَسىً مِثلُ غائِبِ
6. In the valley, in the valley of Al-Ghoutatayn, are your meadows
My springtime, and from that soil is my dust
٦. بِوادٍ بِوادي الغوطَتَينِ رُبوعَكُم
رَبيعي وَمِن ذاكَ التُرابُ تُرابي
7. My burning and my longing for you increase
When my companion calls to me, "Stop by the abode!"
٧. يَزيدُ اِحتِراقي وَاِشتِياقي إِلَيكُم
إِذا صاحَ بي عَرِّج عَلى الدارِ صاحِبي
8. And I desire it from elegant gardens
So the vicissitudes of fate divert me from it
٨. وَأَهوى هَواها مِن رِياضٍ أَنيقَةٍ
فَتَصرِفُني عَنها صُروفُ النَوائِبِ
9. The smiles of the beauties remain
When the eyes of the clouds weep over them
٩. تَظَلُّ ثُغورُ الأُقحُوانِ ضَواحِكاً
إِذا ما بَكَت فيها عُيونُ السَحائِبِ
10. As if the flashing of lightning in their sides
Were the swords of the helper of religion among the regiments
١٠. كَأَنَّ لَميعَ البَرقِ في جَنَباتِها
سُيوفُ مُعينِ الدينِ بَينَ الكَتائِبِ
11. A young man who did not refrain until his spearhead was bloodstained
As if the striking against him were the blow of a piercing blade
١١. فَتىً لَم يَعُد حَتّى تَعَفَّر قَرنُهُ
كَأَنَّ عَلَيهِ الضَربَ ضَربَةُ لازِبِ
12. His saddlecloth is a blanket on the back of a swimmer
And his coat of mail is armor on one who does not flee
١٢. حَشِيَّتُهُ سِرجُ عَلى ظَهرِ سابِحٍ
وَحُلَّتُهُ دِرعٌ عَلى غَيرِ هارِبٍ
13. Tomorrow he set out aspiring to glory, not an ascetic
And in anything other he was an ascetic, not aspiring
١٣. غَدا في المَعالي راغِباً غَيرَ زاهِدٍ
وَفيما سِواها زاهِداً غَيرَ راغِبِ
14. Saladin thinks the knights of Gallaq
Are like his knights. The lion is not like jackals.
١٤. يَظُنُّ صَلاحُ الدينِ فُرسانَ جَلَّقٍ
كَفُرسانِهِ ما الأَسَدُ مِثلَ الثَعالِبِ
15. Tomorrow Damascus will charge the Franks with a regiment
Whose heroes are accustomed to misfortunes
١٥. غَداً تَطلُعُ الشامُ الفِرِنجَ بِفَيلَقٍ
مُعَوَّدَةٍ أَبطالُهُ لِلمَصائِبِ
16. Men, when the cross stands, their spears
Are crucified in every charging horseman and rider
١٦. رِجالٌ إِذا قامَ الصَليبُ تَصَلَّبَتِ
رِماحُهُمُ في كُلِّ ماشٍ وَراكِبِ
17. For them the night has drinking and the tongues are stars
So none but heroes and none but wildly blowing winds
١٧. لَها اللَيلُ نَقعٌ وَالأَسِنَّةُ أَنجُمُ
فَما غَيرُ أَبطالٍ وَغَيرُ جَنائِبِ