
He concealed his love, so his tears flowed over him,

كتم الهوى فوشت عليه دموعه

1. He concealed his love, so his tears flowed over him,
From the heat of embers burning inside his ribs.

١. كَتَمَ الهَوى فَوَشَت عَلَيهِ دُموعُهُ
مِن حَرِّ جَمرٍ تَحتَويهِ ضُلوعُهُ

2. A pouring rain preoccupied with springtime and its flowers,
A people, and in the face of the beloved is their spring.

٢. صَبٌّ تَشاغَلَ بِالرَبيعِ وزَهرُهُ
قَومٌ وَفي وَجهِ الحَبيبِ رَبيعُهُ

3. O you who blame me for the one who was aloof and whose company I desired,
The most delicious forbidden love is the one I crave.

٣. يا لائِمي فيمَن تَمَنَّعَ وَصلُهُ
عَن بُغيَتي أَحلى الهَوى مَمنوعُهُ

4. How to get free when he turns away or comes close,
Beauty is something whose intercessor cannot be refused.

٤. كَيفَ التَخَلُّصُ إِن تَجَنّى أَو جَنى
وَالحُسنُ شَيءٌ ما يُرَدُّ شَفيعُهُ

5. A sun, but in my heart is its heat,
A full moon, but in the horizon is its rising.

٥. شَمسٌ وَلَكِن في فُؤادي حَرُّها
بَدرٌ وَلَكِن في القَباءِ طُلوعُهُ

6. The critics said "What is it you like about him?"
I said "All of him".

٦. قالَ العَواذِلُ ما الَّذي اِستَحسَنتَهُ
فيهِ وَما يَسبيكَ قُلتُ جَميعُهُ