
A king has been killed by the son of Malik

لحا الله ملكا يحتويه ابن مالك

1. A king has been killed by the son of Malik
And his corpse lies in the courtyard of the citadel

١. لَحا اللَهُ مَلِكاً يَحتَويهِ اِبنُ مالِكٍ
وَعاجَلَهُ في ساحَةِ القَلعَةِ القَلعُ

2. A young man whom you neither hope for nor fear
Like worms in vinegar, neither harmful nor beneficial

٢. فَتىً لَستَ تَرجوهُ وَلَستَ تَخافُهُ
كَدودِ الخَلا ما فيهِ ضَرٌّ وَلا نَفعُ