
They said, "You have aspired high, bright, handsome."

قالوا هويت رفيعا نيرا حسنا

1. They said, "You have aspired high, bright, handsome."
I said, "These are traits possessed by the moon."

١. قالوا هَوَيتَ رَفيعاً نَيِّراً حَسَناً
فَقُلتُ هَذي خِصالٌ حازَها القَمَرُ

2. They said, "What is it to you?" I replied, apologizing,
"The same that you have, submission and consideration."

٢. قالوا فَمالَكَ مِنهُ قُلتُ مُعتَذِراً
مِثلُ الَّذي لَكُمُ التَسليمُ وَالنَظَرُ

3. They said, "What is love, if you are a wise man?
For it has perplexed the nomads and the settled alike."

٣. قالوا فَما الحُبُّ إِن كُنتَ اِمرَأً فَطِناً
فَقَد تَحَيَّرَ فيهِ البَدوُ وَالحَضَرُ

4. I said, "It is like honey, sweet to every mouth,
And in hearts, a flame from it burns."

٤. فَقُلتُ كَالشَهدِ يَحلو عِندَ كُلِّ فَمٍ
وَفي القُلوبِ لَهيبٌ مِنهُ يَستَعِرُ