1. O full moon, gloom carried by a twig I see you on
How strange is what happens to me when I see you
١. يا بَدرَ دُجىً يَحمِلُهُ غُصنُ أَراك
ما أَعجَبَ ما يَحِلُّ بي حينَ أَراك
2. Don't kill a passionate lover with aloofness
The bedouins cannot handle the Turks
٢. لا تَقتُل بِالصُدودِ صَبّاً يَهواك
ما لِلأَعرابِ طاقَةٌ بِالأَتراك
3. How much you kill me, yet killing is not allowed
How much you avoid me, yet union is found with others
٣. كَم تَقتُلُني وَما يَحِلُّ القَتلُ
كَم تَهجُرُني وَعِندَ غَيري الوَصلُ
4. I asked nothing about you my master, I asked nothing
Is anything in life forbidden and not made easy?
٤. ما أَسلو عَنكَ سَيِدي ما أَسلوا
هَل في الدُنيا مُمَنَّعٌ لا يَحلو
5. I swear by the dimple of this eyebrow
By the twist of its excuse and the letter noon of the eyebrow
٥. أَقسَمتُ بِواوِ صَدغِ هَذا الحاجِب
في لامِ عِذارِهِ وَنونِ الحاجِب
6. If it was seen by Ibn Muqla and As-Sāhib
They would say "How amazing, the best of writers"
٦. لَو عايَنَهُ اِبنُ مُقلَةٍ وَالصاحِب
قالا عَجَباً لَدَيهِ جُلَّ الكاتِب
7. A watcher of what you did to me, a watcher
Oh morning sun, on a slender twig
٧. ناظِرٌ فيما فَعَلتَهُ بي ناظِر
يا شَمسُ ضُحىً عَلى قَضيبٍ ناضِر
8. How my killer wounds me with the sword of sight
Without doubt, love is not blameworthy to its watcher
٨. كَم يَجرَحُ قاتِلي بِسَيفِ الناظِر
لا شَكَّ الحُبُّ ما عَلَيهِ ناظِر
9. No comfort for me but to drink from the comforter
From the swaying cup revolving with cups
٩. لا راحَهُ لي بِغَيرِ شُربِ الراحِ
مِن ذي هَيَفٍ يَطوفُ بِالأَقداحِ
10. Appearing like dawn, and it like a lantern
Intoxicated of glance, with a sober heart
١٠. يَبدو كَالصُبحِ وَهيَ كَالمِصباحِ
سَكرانَ الطَرفِ ذو فُؤادٍ صاحِ
11. Oh freckle of his cheek, oh beauty spot like a mole
Did time ever bring its equal, empty time?
١١. يا وَردَةَ خَدِّهِ وَفَيكِ كَالخالِ
هَل جاءَ بِمِثلِهِ الزَمانُ الخالي
12. This is not the beauty of the anklets' mistress
In the two worlds there is no heart left empty
١٢. هَذا لا حُسنُ رَبَّةِ الخِلخالِ
ما في الثَقَلَينِ مِن قَلبٍ خالِ
13. I am pleased if you are pleased with my ruin
Did your love make me anything but in ruin?
١٣. أَرضى إِن كُنتَ بِاِنتِهاكي تَرضى
هَل صَيَّرَني هَواكَ إِلّا أَرضا
14. The gardens of your cheeks, prime and pleasing
I spend my time in misery, and my need is not fulfilled
١٤. وَجناتُ خَدُّكِ الصَحاحِ المَرضى
أَقضي نَحبي وَحاجَتي ما تُقضى
15. Oh sword of his smiles, oh spear of the cheek
Who embroidered the excuse with the field of the cheek?
١٥. يا سَيفَ لِحاظِهِ وَيا رُمحَ القَد
مَن طَرَزَ بِالعِذارِ ساحِ الخَد
16. I never cease picking it, and praise is to God
Your glances make me drunk, and my heart confused
١٦. هَذا الرَيحانُ ثُمَّ هَذا الوَرد
ما قَطُّ جَنَيتُهُ وَلِلَّهِ الحَمِد
17. I rave in its torment, it has overwhelmed me
I am dying of love, and for me is another discourse
١٧. أَلحاظُكَ شيركوهُ وَقَلبي شاوَر
أَهوَجُ في عَذابِهِ قَد خامَر
18. If you are the Messiah, then I am Lazarus
Oh what a pity for the shaker, the soft and gentle one
١٨. قَد مُتُّ هَوىً وَلي حَديثٌ آخَر
إِن كُنتَ مَسيحاً فَإِنَّني عازَر
19. How good he is, even to a hardened heart
He trembles as if he is the rod of the staff
١٩. وَيلاهُ عَلى المُهَفِّفِ المَيّاسِ
ما أَحسَنَهُ وَلَو بِقَلبٍ قاسِ
20. Intoxicated, though he never tasted fermented drinks
She expressed wonder at her passionate lovers and said:
٢٠. يَهتَزُّ كَأَنَّهُ قَضيبُ الآسِ
سَكرانَ وَلَم يَذُق حُمَيّا الكاسِ
21. Is my blood price anything but your blood?
Remembrance in my time has no mention
٢١. قَلَت عَجَباً لِعاشِقيها مَهرُ
هَل غَيرَ دِمائِكُم لِدِمائي مَهرُ
22. The full moon draws light from the sun
The whore desires only the paramours
٢٢. ما لِلتَذكيرِ في زَماني ذِكرُ
مِن نورِ الشَمسِ يَستَمِدُّ البَدرُ
23. While the sorrowful lover is transient
Can the stumbler repent with a cup?
٢٣. القَحبَةُ لَم تَرِد سِوى المُردانِ
وَالمُكتَئِبُ المُحِبُّ شَيخٌ فانِ
24. Who brings an angel closer to satisfaction?
٢٤. هَل عَرقَلَةٌ يَتوبُ بِفِنجانٍ
مَن قَرَّبَ مالِكاً إِلى رَضوانِ