
An era of evil in which a villain rises

دهر سوء فيه ارتفاع لئيم

1. An era of evil in which a villain rises
And branches of virtues are shaken off.

١. دهرُ سُوءٍ فيه ارْتفاعُ لَئيمٍ
وبَنانٌ من المَكارِمِ تُنْفَضْ

2. So I have washed my hands of his dew,
And the mouth of my eyelids I rinse with tears.

٢. فَيَدِي قد غَسلْتُها من نَداهُ
وفمُ الجَفْنِ بالدُّمُوعِ تَمَضْمَضْ