
He captured the hearts' affection for the sake of that one

تملك حبات القلوب لأجل ذا

1. He captured the hearts' affection for the sake of that one
Every lovelorn youth called him "my love"

١. تملَّك حَبَّاتِ القلوبِ لأجل ذا
دَعاهُ حَبِيباً كلُّ صَبٍ مُتَيَّمِ

2. Yet Joseph did not attain the delight of his beauty
Though he is the lord of sublime beauty

٢. ويوسُف لم يظْفَرْ بمَسْحةِ حُسْنِه
على أنه رَبُّ الجمالِ المُكرَّمِ

3. Where are the women cutting their palms
And the rending of Ibn Muzn's chest rending the enamored

٣. فأين النِّساءُ القاطِعاتُ أَكُفَّها
وشَقُّ ابن مُزْنٍ صَدْرَه شَقَّ مُغْرَمِ

4. A lonely pearl not polished by a guardian
Its manners do not belong to people

٤. ودُرٌّ يَتِيمٌ لم يُهَذِّبْه كافِلٌ
وآدابُه ليست إلى الناس تَنْتمِي

5. It says, I am the illiterate looking at the tablet
And my Lord taught me in the realm of spirits

٥. يقول أنا الأمِّيُّ في اللَّوحِ ناظِرٌ
وفي مَكْتَبِ الأرْواحِ رَبِّي مُعَلِّمِي

6. When its prose splendor shines through
Tumbling, rippling in the lake

٦. إذا لاح في مَوْضُونَةِ السَّرْدِ خِلْتَهُ
خِضَمّاً تَرَدَّى بالغَدِير المُنَسَّم

7. Are its foes stacks of firewood
That did not sigh the tree's sigh when it hurt

٧. أأعْداءُه خُشْبٌ مُسَنَّدةٌ ولم
تَحِنَّ حَنِينَ الجِذْعَ حين التَّألُّمِ

8. Or is it the boulder - the boulder submitted when it appeared
But the mute foreigner did not submit surrender

٨. أم الصَّخْرُ إنَّ الصَّخْرَ سَلَّم إذْ بَدا
وما سَلَّمتْ تسْليمَ أخْرسَ أعْجَمِ

9. So ask the day of Badr when its stars shone
A sun without blemish that did not become tarnished

٩. فسَلْ يوم بَدْر حين لاحَتْ نُجومُه
وشمسٌ بغَيْرِ النَّقْع لم تتثَلَّمِ

10. With every fetus that was in its mother's womb
It learned to be fed and sustained by blood

١٠. بكُلِّ كَمِيٍ كان في بَطْنِ أُمِّه
تعلَّم أن يُغْذَى ويُرْوَى من الدَّمِ