
With determination, I crossed the bridge of my journey's purpose,

وسفر منى جازت بعزمي ومالها

1. With determination, I crossed the bridge of my journey's purpose,
Though it had no poles but faith in a sea of tribulation.

١. وسَفْرِ مُنىً جازتْ بعَزْمِي ومالَها
قناطرُ إلاَّ العِيسَ في أبْحُرِ الآلِ

2. I crossed a land whose ways had become crooked,
Assailed by every rogue and charlatan.

٢. عَبَرْتُ بها دَاراً مُحِيلاً رُسُومُه
ألَحَّ عليه كُلُّ أسْحَمَ هَطَّالِ

3. To a Kaaba which I used to visit but hasn't been visited,
Around which my hopes revolve since time immemorial.

٣. إلى كعبةٍ أمْسَتْ تُزارُ ولم تَزُرْ
يطُوف رجائي حولَها مُنْذُ أحْوالِ

4. When it appeared before my eyes, I said to it,
Its lofty aspect clothes me in solemnity.

٤. أقُول لها لمَّا تبَّدى لناظِرِي
تَمِيسُ عُلاهُ لي مَلابِسِ إجْلالِ

5. I came to you prohibited from all means,
And clothed the face of the earth in trailing robes.

٥. أتيْتُك من كلِّ الوسائِلِ مُحْرِماً
وألْبَسْتُ وَجْهَ الأرضِ سابِغَ أذْيالِ