
O ridicule of a Sheikh without payment,

يا سخرة الشيخ بلا أجره

1. O ridicule of a Sheikh without payment,
And nakedness of the glutton at dawn,

١. يا سُخْرةَ الشيخِ بلا أُجْرَهْ
وفَسْوةَ المَبْطونِ في السُّحْرَهْ

2. And criticism of the house on a bankrupt,
And weapon of the expelled in his wasteland,

٢. ويا كِرا الدارِ على مُفْلِسٍ
وسَلْحةَ المَطْرودِ في وَعْرَهْ

3. And fart of the Sultan in a procession,
In which are delegations seeking bien,

٣. وضَرْطَة السلطانِ في مَوْكبٍ
به وُفودٌ تطلُب النُّضْرَهْ

4. And loss of the bereaved from a family,
Before Eid, the party pooper,

٤. وضَيْعة الهِمْيانِ من عائلٍ
قُبَيْل عِيدٍ أعْوَزَ الفِطْرَهْ

5. And look of the drunk at a servant of his,
Who broke the cups and the jars,

٥. ونَظْرةَ المَخْمورِ عَبْداً له
قد كسَّر الأقْدَاح والْجَرَّهْ

6. And regret of a beard when it grows,
In the end of the hair,

٦. وحَسْرةَ العِلْقِ إذا أقْبلَتْ
لِحْيتُه في آخِر الشَّعْرَهْ

7. And scratch of a handless on his stump,
And blood oozing in the hair,

٧. وحَكَّةَ المَقْطوعِ كَفاً له
ودُمَّلاً يخرُج في الشَّعْرَهْ

8. And look of the pig from a dunghill,
Pelting it when hungry with pebbles,

٨. ونَظْرةَ الخِنْزِيرِ من خَارِىءٍ
يَرْمِيه لَمَّا جاع بالصَّخْرَهْ

9. And behind of the defeated by a horseman,
Who reached him in an empty plain,

٩. ويا قَفَا المَهْزومِ من فارسٍ
أدْرَكَه في ساحةٍ قَفْرَهْ

10. And shock of a drunkard from an assailant,
In a dark night, secluded,

١٠. وبَهْتةَ السَّكْرانِ من هَاجمٍ
في ليلةٍ مُظْلمةٍ قِرَّهْ

11. And you, the obituary of a man,
To an old woman with no family,

١١. ويا نَعِيّاً جاءَ عن واحِدٍ
إلى عَجُوزٍ ما لَها أُسْرَهْ

12. And loneliness of a free woman at night,
In which her husband died due to harm

١٢. ووَحْدةَ الحُرَّةِ في ليلةٍ
مات بها الزَّوْجُ لَدَى الضَّرَّهْ

13. And argument of a schismatic who,
Hears a contradicting text, outraged,

١٣. وحُجَّةَ المُعْتزِليِّ الذي
يسْمعُ نَصّاً ناقِضاً أمْرَهْ

14. And appearance of a heretic in a mosque,
Fearing isolation by his neighbors,

١٤. وطَلْعةَ الزِّنْدِيقِ في مَسْجدٍ
يخافُ مِن جِيرانِه هُجْرَهْ

15. And face of a crocodile by a coast,
Came to it the drowning who saw land,

١٥. ووَجْهَ تِمْساحٍ لَدىَ ساحلٍ
أتاه غَرْقانُ رأى بَرَّهْ

16. And nakedness that was ravaged on it,
The flies of dishonor in the morning swarm,

١٦. وُعرَّةً قد خَرِبتْ فوقَه
ذُبابةُ الذُّلِّ غدا غُرَّهْ

17. And he who has become the son of vileness,
In the eye of Satan, an abomination,

١٧. ومَن غدا في النَّظَرِ ابنَ الأُلَى
في عَيْنِ إبْلِيسَ بهم قُرَّهْ

18. How you claim virtue but do not take heed,
Repeating what the experts said,

١٨. كم تَدَّعِي الفضلَ ولا تَرْعوِي
تُعِيد ما قال ذَوُو الخِبْرَهْ

19. For he is in reiterating their words,
Like a camel busy with pregnancy,

١٩. فهْو على تكْريرِ أقْوالِهم
كالجَملِ المَشْغول بالْجَرَّهْ

20. O you potter for how long,
Did the Lord prolong your life?

٢٠. يا أيها الفَخَّار من أجْلِ ما
طَوَّل رَبٌّ خَالِقٌ عُمْرَهْ

21. Do proverbs speak the truth in their saying:
Not every day is saved from harm?

٢١. هَل تصدُق الأمْثالُ في قَوْلِها
ما كُلُّ يومٍ تسْلَمُ الْجَرَّهْ

22. O made ignorance, for how long, I wonder,
Rolling at the edge of the wasteland?

٢٢. يا جُعَلَ الجهلِ إلى كم تُرَى
مُدَحْرِجاً في طَرَفِ البَعْرَهْ