1. The messenger of God has the highest station
That all speech does not comprehend
١. لِرَسُولِ الإلهِ أعْلَى مَقامٍ
ليس يَدْرِي به جميعُ الْكَلامِ
2. He has great resolve and noble determination
Far above desiring the possession of ruins
٢. وله هِمَّةٌ وعَزْمٌ رفيعٌ
جَلَّ عن أن يُرْتَضَى بمِلْكِ الحُطامِ
3. Thus he had no inheritance
Other than law and sublime knowledge
٣. فلذا لم يكُنْ له مِيراثٌ
غيرَ شَرْعٍ وغيرَ عِلْمٍ سَامِي
4. If the world was made his inheritance
Like what all people possessed
٤. لو تكون الدُّنْيا له مِيراثاً
مِثْلَ ما كان في جميعِ الأنامِ
5. That which As-Siddiq accumulated in tribes
And those with prescribed shares of relatives
٥. ما حَواهَا الصِّدِّيقُ في عَصَباتٍ
وذَوِي الفَرْضِ من أُلِي الأرْحامِ
6. While he lives in his grave and a messenger
Who did not bequeath to the living, possessors of dreams
٦. وهْو حَيٌّ في قَبْرِه ورسولٌ
لم يُوَرِّثْ حَيّاً ذَوُو الأحْلامِ
7. So Fadak has judged us with this
And the narration of Al-‘Abbas and the flags
٧. فَدَكٌ قد قضَتْ عليْنا بهذا
وحديثُ العَبَّاسِ والأعْلامِ
8. Know this for it is a jewel that
The treasuries of minds have preserved
٨. فادْرِ هذا فإنه جَوْهَرٌ قد
حَفِظتْه خَزائنُ الأفْهامِ
9. Do not be fooled by what a people have said
When they went astray in the confusion of delusions
٩. لا يَغُرَّنَّك الذي قال قومٌ
حين ضَلُّوا في مَهْمَهِ الأوْهامِ