
O companion of the garden, greetings give life

أيا شقيق الروض حياه الحيا

1. O companion of the garden, greetings give life
So the rose of his cheek reddened from bashfulness

١. أيا شقيقَ الرَّوْضِ حَيَّاه الْحَيَا
فاحْمَرَّ وردُ خَدِّه من الْحَيَا

2. For you are the soil of the branch, delighted when
The clouds give it the wine of dew

٢. لأنتَ تِرْبُ الغُصْنِ نَشْوانَ إذا
أدارت السُّحْبُ له خَمْرَ النَّدَى

3. And the anemone's cup filled with magic
So it blushed from its shyness, the cheek of the young gazelle

٣. وامْتلأتْ كاسُ الشَّقِيقِ سُحْرَةً
فاحْمَرَّ من خَجْلَتِه خَدُّ الطِّلاَ

4. A cure for my love-sickness is to kiss his cheek
And the black mole is a remedy for illness

٤. شِفاءٌ وَجْدِي لَثْمُ خالِ خَدِّه
والْحَبَّةُ السَّوْداءُ للدَّاءِ شِفَا

5. He leaves me like the oppressor leaves the oppressed
And this is the nature of the calm phoenix

٥. يتْركُنِي تَرْكَ الظلِيمِ ظَلْمُه
وهذه شِيمةُ آرامِ الْفَلاَ

6. The nights learned his betrayal from him
So they fulfilled the tryst with despair

٦. تعلَّمتْ منه الليالي غَدْرَها
فأنْجَزتْ باليأْسِ مِيعادَ الرَّجَا

7. Clouds whose lips of affliction smiled
From a scintillating mouth when it wept

٧. غَمائمٌ لُعْسُ الشِّفاهِ ابْتسَمتْ
عن ثَغْرِ بارِقٍ إذا الثَّغْرُ بَكَا

8. It unleashes from a barren, dry place
And scatters the pearls on the foreheads of the hills

٨. تفُكُّ مِن مَحْلٍ وجَدْبٍ أسْرَهُ
وتنْثُرُ الدُّرَّ على هامِ الرُّبَى

9. The thunder drives them with a melting voice
From its lightning while they are the brides of the meadows

٩. يسُوقها الرعدُ بصوتٍ مُذْهَبٍ
من بَرْقِه وهْي بَطِيَّاتُ الخُطَا

10. The specter does not enter it in fear
And in it the turbid stars cannot find their way

١٠. لا يَلِجُ الطَّيْفُ إليه فَرَقاً
وفيه ليستْ تهتدي كُدْرُ القَطَا

11. With a shield the sun flows over its horizon
And the dawn meets it with a drawn sword

١١. بالتُّرْسِ تسْرِي الشمسُ فوق أُفْقِهِ
والصُّبْحُ يلْقاه بعَضْبٍ مُنْتضَى

12. A galaxy amidst the sunset as if
The flowers in it are of a delightful view

١٢. مَجَرَّةٌ في شَفَقٍ كأنها
والزهرُ فيها ذاتُ مَنْظرٍ زَهَا

13. A river in which the hand of the north has scattered
Roses and narcissi, freshly plucked

١٣. نَهْرٌ به كَفُّ الشَّمالِ نثَرتْ
وَرْداً ونَسْرِيناً جَنِيّاً قُطِفَا

14. On the neck of a ruddy dark steed that rose
From its face in the darkness of night, spirit

١٤. على أغَرِّ أدْهَمٍ قد طلَعتْ
مِن وجهِه في ظُلْمةِ الليل ذُكَا

15. Its pride under the forelock of its hair
Is like the dawn under the fringes of gloom

١٥. غُرَّتُه من تحت هُدْبِ شَعْرِهِ
طُرَّةُ صُبْحٍ تحت أذْيالِ الدُّجَا

16. O tamer of every roaming wild beast
The night kissed it so it was completely darkened

١٦. أدْهَمَ قيِّدِ كُلِّ وَحْشٍ شارِدٍ
قبَّلَه الليلُ فكُلُّه لَمَى

17. She-camels whose footsteps
In the sand reveal to me the secrets of the ground

١٧. نجائِبُ قد طفِقَتْ أخْفافُها
في الرَّملِ تُبْدِي لي ضمائرَ الثَّرَى

18. Beauty has hidden the beauty of its face
To protect the chastity of minds and prohibition

١٨. قد سترَ الجمالُ حُسْنَ وَجْهِهِ
صَوْناً لأبْكارِ العُقول والنُّهَى

19. So beauty halted before it confused
Yearning and delirious in that enchantment

١٩. فوقَف الحُسْنُ عليه حائِراً
مُتيَّماً وَلْهانَ في ذاك الْبَهَا

20. The morning breeze craves its gentle features
But the hands of healer cannot cure its sickness

٢٠. تَهْوَى الصَّبَا شَمائلَ اللُّطْفِ به
فلا تُداوِي سُقْمَها أيْدِي الأُسَا

21. Except when it touches his tomb
For so many illnesses were cured from its dust

٢١. إلاّ إذا ما لَمَستْ ضَرِيحَه
فكم سَقامٍ من تُرابِه اشْتفَى

22. His body ascended to the seven spheres
In the company of the Trustworthy Spirit and climbed

٢٢. سَرَى إلى السَّبْعِ الطِّباقِ جسمُه
في صُحْبةِ الرُّوحِ الأمينِ ورَقَى

23. If it crosses the heavens in swiftness, still no
Distance, for its essence is the sun of daylight

٢٣. إن قطَع الأفْلاكَ سُرْعَةً فلا
بُعْدَ فإن ذاتَه شمسُ الضُّحَى

24. The tracks of al-Buraq from its steps
Have appeared in it, worthy of the sky

٢٤. حَوافِرُ البُراقِ مِن آثارِها
قد ظهرَتْ فيه أهِلَّةُ السَّمَا

25. The Sublimeness of his worth makes praise needless
So praise is praised through him and none knows

٢٥. يُغْنِي عن المدحِ رَفِيعُ قَدْرِهِ
فيُمْدَح المدحُ به وما دَرَى

26. Every garment is too short for his praise
It sets its course below the goal

٢٦. كلُّ لِباسٍ للمديح قاصِرٌ
عنه يُحَلَّ رَحْلُه دون المَدَى

27. The saliva of the sun flows from craving
The deliciousness of these meanings when they meet

٢٧. سال لُعابُ الشمسِ ممَّا تشْتهِي
لَذِيذَ هاتِيك المَعاني إذْ حَلاَ

28. An eloquence that poetry cannot attain
With its ocean the drop of describing the pure

٢٨. فصاحةٌ ما الشِّعر منها بالغٌ
ببَحْرِه قطرةَ وَصْفِ ذِي صَفَا

29. For that the people segmented it and
Its circles went around the intimate group

٢٩. لذلك قد قَطَّعَه الناسُ وقد
دارتْ به دَوائرُ القومِ الأُلَى

30. Before it Ibn Duraid is a guard
And the thousands of its verses like staffs

٣٠. بين يَدَيْها ابنُ دُرَيدٍ حاجِبٌ
وألِفاتُ شِعْرِه مِثْلُ الْعَصَا

31. The train of gloom with its bouquet held fast
Dyed by its coldness at the time of afternoon nap

٣١. ذَيْلُ الدُّجَى بِعَرْفِها مُمَسَّكٌ
مُضَمِّخٌ خَلُوقُها بُرْدَ الضُحَى