1. They were determined to destroy him
But their plots faded away in fear
١. صَمَّمُوا آراءَهم على الفَتْك فيهِ
فتَوارَتْ لخَوْفِه الآراءُ
2. And they saw his denial of any life but theirs
Yet denial only affirms
٢. ورأَوا نَفْيَه لِحَيٍ سِواهُمْ
ولكم أثْبَتَ المِراءَ انتِفاءُ
3. Their schemes did not hit their mark
Threats and enticements were equal
٣. لم يُصِبْ نَصْبُهم مَكائدَ شَرٍ
وتَساوَى التَّحْذِيرُ والإغْراءُ
4. A dog's barking foolishly at the full moon
Only brought him disgrace and howling
٤. نَبْحُ كلبٍ بلَيْلةِ التِّمِّ بَدْراً
لم يُفِدْه إلاَّ الْعَنَا والعُواءُ
5. In anger at Suraqa's theft
A udder bit from beneath her the fat tail
٥. ولِغَيْظٍ على سُراقةَ عَضَّتْ
سُوقَ نَهْدٍ من تحتِه الدَّهْناءُ
6. And at Umm Ma'bad he prevailed until
The living talked of his might
٦. وعلى أمِّ مَعْبَدٍ نَالَ حتى
بعُلاهَا تحدَّث الأحْياءُ
7. Al-Rafi the pillar though
When his generous bowl welcomed the rude
٧. ورَفِيعَ العِمادِ أصْبَح لمَّا
أنْ حَوَى قَدْرَه الرَّفيعَ الْجَفاءُ
8. By his grace the lamb for him flowed
And for God her flowing, a ewe
٨. وبيُمْنٍ منه له الشَّاةُ دَرَّتْ
وهْي للّهِ دَرُّها عَجْفاءُ
9. And food for Jabir when he came to him
With the blessing of annexation the bounty
٩. وطَعامٌ لجابرٍ إذْ أتاه
وبخَفْضِ الإضافةِ النَّعْماءُ
10. Like the food of Heaven without cutting
For all people in it sufficiency
١٠. كطعامِ الجِنانِ من غيرِ قَطْعٍ
لجميعِ الأنامِ فيه اكْتفاءُ