
When prophethood's good tidings shone clear

نيران فارس انطفت لما بدت

1. When prophethood's good tidings shone clear
The Magi's fires were extinguished in fear

١. نِيرانُ فارسَ انْطَفَتْ لمّا بَدَتْ
بُشْرَى النُّبُوَّةِ ساطِعاً بُرْهانُهَا

2. While their band did prostrate and revere
The fires of guidance bowed in good cheer

٢. سجَدتْ لِنِيرانِ المَجُوسِ عِصابةٌ
سجَدتْ لأنْوارِ الهُدَى نِيرانُهَا