
For the adulterers of mankind there is flogging and stoning

لزناة الأنام حد ورجم

1. For the adulterers of mankind there is flogging and stoning
And through exile, how many an adulterer has religion made a foreigner

١. لزُناةِ الأنام حَدٌّ ورَجْمٌ
وبِنَفْيٍ كم غَرَّب الشرعُ زَانِي

2. Yet my time has immersed itself in exiling me
Do you see that I have copulated with the mother of time

٢. وزمانِي قد لَجَّ في تغْرِيبي
أتُرانِي قد نِكْتُ أمَّ الزمانِ