
They said Hell is the abode of eternity, its inhabitant

قالوا جهنم دار الخلد ساكنها

1. They said Hell is the abode of eternity, its inhabitant
When eons pass, God extinguishes the flames

١. قالوا جَهَنَّمُ دارُ الخلدِ ساكنُها
إذا تَطاوَلَ دهرٌ أَخمَدَ اللَّهَبَا

2. An angel became, out of incapacity, in the hands of Him
Who cannot, out of poverty, buy firewood

٢. أمَالِكٌ صار مِن عَجْزٍ لِذِي يَدِهِ
لا يسْتطيعُ لفقرٍ يشْتري الحَطبَا