
His cheeks polish the mirror of my heart

صقيل خدوده مرآت قلبي

1. His cheeks polish the mirror of my heart
And the water of beauty flows gently through him

١. صقيل خدوده مرآت قلبي
وماء الحسن رق به وراقا

2. Eyes surround him when he appears
What glance can bear to part from him?

٢. تحيط به العيون إذا تبدى
وهل طرف يطيق له فراقا

3. So they left the image of eyelashes in him
A full moon cloaked in darkness

٣. فخالوا صورة الأهداب فيه
عذارا قد كسى بدراً محاقا

4. And we continue to receive life from him
As if a ring encircles his pupils

٤. وظلنا نجتلي منه محيا
كأنّ عليه من حدق نطاقا