
My story has come before an honorable judge

قصتي قد أتت إماما هماما

1. My story has come before an honorable judge
Complaining of injustice when I was wronged

١. قِصَّتي قد أتتْ إماماً هُمامَا
تشْتكي الظُّلْمَ حين صرتُ مُضامَا

2. A document in the king's hand he folded
For the king to see it, ever magnificent

٢. رُقعةٌ في يدِ المَلِيك طَواهَا
ليَراها المليكُ في العزِّ دَامَا

3. I am your poor petitioner who has been
Distinguished with celebration and prayer always

٣. أنا شَوَّالُك الفقيرُ الذي قد
خُصَّ بالعِيدِ والصَّلاةِ دَوَامَا

4. After the fasting month I visited people
Hungry, seeking their hospitality

٤. بعد شهرِ الصيامِ قد زُرْتُ قوماً
جائعاً أبْتغِي بهم إكْرامَا

5. And I have for the Feast a gown and crescent
I have around my neck an ornament towering

٥. ولِيَ العِيدُ حُلَّةٌ وهِلالِي
لِيَ طَوقٌ من فوق جِيدٍ تَسامَى

6. Ramadan transgressed against me and became
Angry, fearing no blame

٦. رمضانُ اعْتدَى عليَّ وأمْسَى
غاضِباً ذاك لا يخافُ مَلامَا

7. I fear the slaughter with a crescent blade
Then skinning me and leaving me in place

٧. أخْتشِي ذَبْحَةً بنَصْلِ هِلالٍ
ثم سَلْخاً له وتَرْكِي المُقامَا

8. Do not deny my right with a false witness
He is blind in insight or pretending not to see

٨. لا تُضَيِّع حَقِّي بشاهدِ زُورٍ
هو أعْمَى بَصِيرةٍ أو تَعامَى

9. Strike the forehead of the witness, it's a brand
Of a liar, from his lies he did not refrain

٩. جَبْهةَ الشَّاهِدِ اكْوِهَا فهْو وَسْمٌ
لِكَذُوبٍ عن زُورِهِ ما تَحامَى

10. If the sun is eclipsed, it is injustice
And so is time, it has not ceased to be unjust

١٠. إن كَيَّ الخُسوفِ للشمسِ ظُلْمٌ
وكذا الدهرُ لم يزَلْ ظَلاَّمَا