
His gaze is so bright and cheerful,

وخدن يروق الطرف وضاح وجهه

1. His gaze is so bright and cheerful,
His auspiciousness interpreted with good omens.

١. وخِدْنٍ يرُوق الطَّرْفَ وَضَّاحُ وَجْهِهِ
وقد تَرْجَمتْ باليُمنِ عنه قَوابلُهْ

2. When an inquirer overwhelms him with questions,
He appeases with the water of generosity, clarifying his issues.

٢. إذا غَصَّ بالسُّؤَّالِ نَادٍ يحُلُّه
يَسُوغُ بماءِ الجُودِ يصْفُو مُسائِلُهْ

3. If his pens incline to him out of yearning for him,
His fingers caress them lovingly.

٣. وإن نَحَلتْ أقْلامُه لاشْتياقِها
إليه حَنَتْ منه عليها أنامِلُهْ

4. The face of the sun blossoms when meeting him,
And its rays turn pale out of fear of parting from him.

٤. ويُزْهِر وَجْهُ الشمسِ غِبَّ لقائِه
وتصْفَرُّ من خوفِ الفِراقِ أَصائِلُهْ

5. If fate keeps me from you temporarily,
Where is the shore for one drowning in a sea?

٥. فإن صَدَّنِي عنك الزمانُ لحادثٍ
فأيْن من الغَرْقانِ في البحرِ ساحِلُهْ

6. You're a sun, clouds cannot veil you,
So do not deny me if your setting hour is unclear.

٦. فإنك شمسٌ لا تُرَى السُّحْبُ عندها
فلا تُنْكِرَنْ إن لم يَلُحْ ثَمَّ آفِلُهْ