
God bless a time that passed me by when my friends were near

رعى الله عصرا غاب عني عواذلي

1. God bless a time that passed me by when my friends were near
In it I stole a union in the heedlessness of fate

١. رعَى اللّهُ عَصْراً غاب عنِّي عَواذِلِي
به فَسرقْتُ الوَصْلَ في غَفْلةِ الدهرِ

2. Breezes of a union that cooled with their breeze
The inflamed liver, emigrant of estrangement

٢. أصائِلُ وَصْلٍ بَرَّدتْ بنَسِيمِها
من الكَبِدِ المَلْهوفِ هاجِرَةَ الهَجْرِ