
My heart I leave aflame with love and longing

أتارك قلبي في لظى الوجد مجمرا

1. My heart I leave aflame with love and longing
And sweetest praise for you pours forth like ambergris

١. أتاركُ قلبي في لَظَى الوَجْدِ مَجْمَرَا
وطِيبَ ثَناءٍ فوقه فَاح عَنْبَرَا

2. Be gentle - since you left, my tears are yet unshed
Though my patience is tried and my hair turned grey

٢. ترفَّقْ فما ابْيَضَّتْ دموعِي بعدَكُمْ
ولكنَّها شَابَتْ وصبرِي تعَذَّرَا

3. My days are long as Judgement Day since we parted
My land has become a battlefield for my foes

٣. فيَوْمِي كأيَّامِ القيامةِ طُولُه
وأرْضِيَ أمْسَتْ لْلأعادِي مَحْشَرَا

4. Each bough of the sandalwood, so lovely before
Now hides in shame beneath its leaves, true and tender

٤. وغُصْن قَوامٍ كلُّ غُصْنٍ لحُسْنِه
بأوْراقِه من خَجْلةٍ قد تَسَتَّرا

5. That eye whose sickness and whose love I shared
Now turns from me, and tears my heart with sorrow

٥. وعَيْن له قد أهْدَتِ السُّقْمَ والهوَى
فأهْدَى إلى أجْفانِها طَرْفِيَ الْكَرَى

6. When the writer adorns the page with his artistry
The eye falls in love with his cheek, so touching

٦. إذا طَرَّزَ القِرْطاسَ وَشْيُ بنَانِهِ
تعَشَّق منه الطَّرْفُ خَدّاً مُعَذَّرَا

7. If camphor seems pale, it's but from fear
Its radiance is subdued by the dew that wets it

٧. وما كان لَوْنُ التِّبْرِ أصْفَرَ إنَّما
لِخَوْف نَداهُ بالنَّدَى صار أصْفَرَا